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How bad is this going to be?


I mean it has a woman in it so its alreadt ruined.




I'm cautiously optimistic, I'll wait for reviews. The first one was just okay, in my opinion.


The whole purpose of it was for the elite to tell us:
<we know the world is burning goy
How can it be burning with an annoying love interest?


Good point.


Joaquin is gonna double down being le joker but instead his acting coupled with the almost certainly bad writing will make it cringe. Add lady gaga into the mix and it'll be dogshit.

Joker had a simple plot and message but this one is burdened with expectations (critical and commercial) plus saddle lady gaga into it and it's gonna be a massive disapointment.


It's going to shit on everyone who liked the first movie "for the wrong reasons".


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The first one worked because Gahoole did the promo.


This half-jewish slut.


The first movie stumbled into accidentally defending white incels, and the media panicked. This movie is going to correct that error. That's probably the only reason why they made it.
Incels are the most powerful group on Earth.


>lady gaga

pushing it


thats a good thing


Some low IQ faggots are trying to defend this flick because the critics are hating it. The absolute state!


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We need to rip out the organs.


File: 1726298590544.webm (3.08 MB, 700x934, 350:467, Gahoole (1).webm) ImgOps iqdb

Gahoole review when ?


Wonder if Gaga Quin will betray Joker making joker even more of an incel than before


I'd wager it'll be that, or it'll be revealed she was his imaginary fren the entire time.


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>imaginary fren
They did that in the first movie when they revealed that joker's entire relationship with his black neighbour was only real in his mind.

Also fuck that scene where they directly tell you the relationship was all imaginary. A better movie would have shown it with more subtlety, maybe even make it ambigious. That was the point I gave up and realized the movie was not as good as it thought it was.

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