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I think pic related has become underrated. The only time you hear people talk about it these days is when they want to refute the notion that it's the greatest film ever made, usually by blowing some minor nitpick out of proportion. No one calls is the best movie ever made anymore. Even the BFI, the people who first said Citizen Kane is the GOAT, haven't called it that in over a decade. And when people say something positive about it, they always have to add some qualifier like "Uh, not that I'm saying it's the best movie ever made or anything, haha" as though they're ashamed of just liking certain aspects of it.
Citizen Kane is legitimately underrated now. It's very good character study with great black and white cinematography. What else do you need?


Star Wars is quite underrated.


I think once a film reaches a certain age, living memories of the world in the film are lost; the cast, crew and the vast majority of people who saw it when it was released are dead, which may cause external pressure on critics to take a film like Citizen Kane down a peg.


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this is how you truly hipster. blow it up as a forgotten gem, bash it when it gets popular and blow something else up, then when the new thing trends you go back to the forgotten gem (((that you never abandoned))).


You may never have heard of it, but there is a trilogy called The Lord of the Rings and I really like the soul present in these films.


Return of the Jedi and the Ewok movies definitely are.


Is the first Ewoks movie really any good? The second one is unironically my second favorite Star Wars movie.


Is hecking amazing, only soyboys hate it.


Understanding why films like citizen kane or any movie by sergei eisenstein are so radical and pioneering requires some knowledge of cinema history and filming/editing techniques.

Most people are retards so they can't see why these movies were groundbreaking and definitive.




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I agree. It is a pretty underrated trilogy.


Eisenstein made some great movies.




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>this thread goes up
>suddenly she makes a video saying some people think Citizen Kane is underrated


Hi, slut!


Until she marries /ourogre/ she can fuck off


Not only that, but she (You) has a copy with the same cover as the OP pic.


Of all the e-thots with shitty opinions, she's one of the best.


Why didn't we elect her queen again? I think she only made it to archduchess.


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Jerome, I love you! Please marry me! I'm overweight, unemployed, and I live with my mom but we can bond over our shared love of movies. There's all kinds of cool stuff I can show you. Have you ever watched anime? A lot of people say it's dumb and for pedophiles but it's actually quite artistic.


GuP is kino


Nothing scares the hoes like tranime, anon. If you want your 5/10 waifu, you should learn a skill or something doll collecting is not a skill.


I asked her if she likes Super Ramon and she said she would look for his films to watch.


But anon I love anime.


That cool, my man. Like what you want to like. But, learn to garden or crochet or something. When you eventually get some foid to visit poundtown with you and you will because you're all gonna make it; hide the Gundams.


>Nothing scares the hoes like tranime
Whenever I go out, I see young women wearing anime T-shirts. When I go to watch anime at the cinema, the audience is almost all young women.


You're right, I'm just fucking old now. I would still advise not being a super sperg about that shit though. Soylennial chicks loved "The Simpsons" but they hated all the fags that knew the words off by heart.


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Not me, I'm not. I absolutely refuse to.

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