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Rob Ager use his powerful mind to analysis the political situation on UK, his own nation.


Its the kikes


>t. Blue haired troon / barbarian muslim


File: 1723754241836.png (129.79 KB, 400x191, 400:191, dread_pirate_roberts.png) ImgOps iqdb

>kikes are responsible for people going after their goons


There's an excellent Japanese restaurant I frequent in Chinatown


Is it run by the Japanese?


I watched the movie months ago. I don't understand why the movie is so overhyped.


File: 1724044840785.jpg (83.43 KB, 806x603, 806:603, Tumblr Satire 101.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Because harmless mediocrity is what flies nowadays or the fact that preschooler shit have become cult classics for overgrown adults like Bluey or Raggedy Ann.


It's a classic adventure movie that still holds up.


Best Asian restaurant I've been to was run entirely by Whites
second best was run by Chinese


It's one of the very few genuine swashbuckler movies of the last 50 years. And it's one of the better ones at that.


His review of the newest Alien flick is making the redditors seethe


He's shaking himself like a dog with fleas. His recent videos are driving midwits and redditors away from his audience.

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