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New infos about death just dropped.

>Epstein definitely killed this guy for exposing America's israeli-run pedophile ring to the Russians

>declared return of the King July 4th, July 6th charges are made public against Epstein
>in this video where he's clearly being held hostage he claims to have spoken to a "very good man" who conveniently has just now convinced of the errors of his ways
>couldnt have been a Mossad intelligence asset (Kappy mentions he'll have to include his name in brackets, presumably for cooperating) being used to stoke the fires of war
>What is this "big terrible thing" he's claimed to have done that he alleges they will write books about? Could it have anything to do with being the Judas to Epstein's Jesus (Possibly implying Epstein faked his death?, (rising from the grave).
>Could this have anything to do with Covid-19 which would appear a few months later (a leak from a lab that was copying work we ourselves were already doing but "securely" somewhere in the Carolinas, that we definitely could have planted in China as a "fuck you" to their illegal intelligence efforts)
>Could it be tied to the various shenanigans they used to steal the election in 2020 (forced mail-in voting and artificial civil unrest (George Floyd, odd how he and his murderer worked together, and at a shady nightclub of all places)
>could it be an extension of the 2016 "russian election interference" which was really just the Clinton E-mail leaks containing all that thinly veiled pedophile material?
> How does this all tie in to Israel's war effort with Iran, and the train "accident" in palestine, Ohio (/definitely/ not a massively unsubtle subliminal whistle-blow re: the "miraculous" disaster of Israeli intelligence that would occur later that year)
>what about Ukraine flight 752 being "accidentally" shot down over Iran in early 2020? Israel couldnt possibly be in the middle of this could they?


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Some people believe George Floyd may be alive and Derek Chauvin isn't in prison. I think they definitely whacked Epstein because dead men tell no tales.


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A recent update in Epstein news was someone gave drone footage, satellite photographs and topographical data to an AI model to get an idea of what was really going on there. Since it was a general purpose commercial AI chat bot and not one trained for analyzing such specific data it wasn't very good or accurate, this type of ventilation system is required for underground submarine bays to regulate air pressure.

These AI models will always be limited to the data they're trained on and there's isn't much out there on the specifics of building underground submarine bays inside islands. Some hardcore roleplayers trying out Twilight 2000 might discuss it here and there but it's just speculation on their part.



But he was le jew! that means he is inherently le bad! *tries to avoid seeing own brown skin in the mirror as I walk to the bathroom to take a piss*


kappy killed himsel;f


Feel sorry for the guy


He was right

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