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Pirate movies or cowboy movies?


We didn't had enough pirate flicks tbqh.


I like both


One of my favorite films, Peter Pan, is technically a pirate movie, so I'll say pirate movies.


This. It's hard to compare because there are so few pirate movies while there are more westerns than anyone could watch in a lifetime. Pirate movies probably have a better good to bad ratio since you have to know what you're doing just to get one made.


The cartoon or the live action one from the 2000's? I think both of those are pretty good.


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The 2003 live-action one, but the Disney animation is great.


Neither, I only watch Trans500 kino


The age of good Trans500 is long gone.

There are no more good costumes, good cinematography, unique script and the talent are gone.




I can't even think of 5 pirate movies in the 50 years besides the ones made by Disney. Is Waterworld a pirate movie?
Why does Hollywood fear pirates?


You can be a good namefag and contribute to an imageboard, the amount of asshurt Z3RO has caused towards you is proof enough of its power.


>muh imagebohd culcha
Why is this the excuse for every single braindead fat sperg to get mad and violently shake his flabby arms and mantitties in a pathetic attempt at gatekeeping?


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If you are already this far out, you're likely fine. 4chan is where you need to be gatekeeping. The exact opposite happened on 4chan. 4chan had long employed tranny jannies since at least the 2013 IRC leaks and their whole goal was to do a Great Replacement of the native and natural right wing population. 4chan was uniformly racist since at least 2008, go take a stroll through Encyclopedia Dramatica which I am amazed still has not been kike'd. They wanted to Redditfy 4chan, and they've mostly succeeded. 8chan we had gatekeeping that worked really well until Ron was gaslit by /intl/ into making /pol/ global and then every kike and leftist in the world began encouraging violence there to kill the site, and it worked.


Never forget /intl/ was a board whose users were almost all jewish.

The main reason I am so glad we never accepted soyjak party into the webrong sas because of this, and soyjak party refuses to gatekeep and they already diluted their once mostly "pure" population of zoomer autists at this point which is sad.


*webring was


Nuzach seething as always. Based ZER0 and Emojitroon btfo'd Nuzach again.


The victory of both never ends


As already mentioned, we don't have enough pirate movies and they are all very appealing in terms of humor and childishness.
And we can't have cowboy movies anymore because of racism and soyboys.

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