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File: 1724203672278.jpg (45.17 KB, 1000x830, 100:83, MV5BYzg4NGEyOGItZGY4My00MT….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


What ever happened to this guy?

I was going to post this on /dunk/ but he has an imdb page with 3 movies on it so I guess it goes here.


He is still dicking around on Twitter with the other has-beens.
Word of advice: all of the original altright guys are kike'd and fed'd up. That includes Spic Fuentes.


>Spic Fuentes
>original altright guys
He's pure zoomslop and was never part of the original crew


He does videos on odysee still


>Word of advice: all of the original altright guys are kike'd and fed'd up. That includes Spic Fuentes.
Jared Taylor might be the only one of those big-name figures from the early 2010s who's still going that I have any respect for. Then again, he's also kind of pre-alt right.
He appears on Counter-Currents Radio sometimes too.


Isn't Greg johnson still a faggot? Oh wait Millennial was once a faggot as well.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You notice with the situation in Britain now, we suddenly have these normie tier conservatives coming out and saying things people like Woes were saying ten years ago?

Where was this energy before? They might have actually prevented a few disasters before they happened.


File: 1724285817309.mp4 (1.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, d0cfe8496f23fcdaff1c20b752….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Money, anon. When rich conservaboomers have money; they shut down the bad goyim that might upset the (((apple cart))). When conservaboomers have to take out another loan for their third property; well, someone has to pay.


And who uses that fed site owned by a retarded pajeets?


What do feds have to do with it? The problem with Odysee is how slow it is.


And that it's just another centralized video host, the only difference this time based on a cryptotoken speculation scam which makes them a target for SEC regulation (oh wait Rokfin does that too). Odysee is a shitty red herring to distract people from the real solution to censorship which is federation (Peertube).

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