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Every once in a while, a random Simpsons bit will pop into my head, and I can't stop thinking about it and watching it over and over. It's not even one of the famous meme clips most of the time. Why does this keep happening?
I think I talked about it on here like a year ago and it still hasn't stopped. This is the one I'm fixated on now.


You brainwashed yourself by re-watching the episodes over and over. Many such cases. I did that with some media when I was a kid, but I later realized life is too short to be re-watching anything, with few exceptions.


>Many such cases.
spongebob too




I have one that's from a movie or show I don't remember, but I remember the scene. It's of a guy stuffing his face with food while talking to someone else. All I remember him saying is
>"It really *chews, smacks lips* sticks to your ribs."
It keeps replaying in my head. I don't even remember what the guy looked like.


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>re-watching anything
I also tried to rewatch some shit just to reminiscence the old days but then I realize it wasn't that good to begin with or should've stayed in the past, hence streaming platforms removed their nostalgiabait. However I do watch some ancient shows and movies because I never watched them to begin with and see how impactful they were.

Another issue are the shows that refuse to fucking die, I guess they took notes from the japs whenever a manga or anime finally ends their audience moves on and completely stops consuming, ego stroking and even forgetting to commission lewd artists to draw more porn slop based on such franchise.


>However I do watch some ancient shows and movies because I never watched them to begin with and see how impactful they were.
I am here.


>but I later realized life is too short to be re-watching anything, with few exceptions.
It depends on how good the thing in question is.


In which episode was Homer listening to a program on the radio about "infamy"?


I only rewatch a show if I really like it or am watching it with someone else.
It happened that one or another show or episode became tiresome and I became more and more critical about it.
But I say it's more important to re-read a book than to watch the same show/film again and again for autism or to get high.


I rewatch a lot of old cuckime from my childhood/when I was young. I find a lot of cuckime inspiring due to most of it lacking zogbot slop messages and being pure fantasy kino with some inspiring messages of true friendship/brotherhood.


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Oh of course its my old friend Ryo, how the hell have you been keeping than?

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