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Let's nets nerd out.


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Hell yeah


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the best the best the best


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Jinx is pretty cute, no lie.


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Peak indeed


Sorry to disagree with you, Ravenfag, but the show was lacking and the animation was worse than western cartoons from decades past.


I thought it was okay for the times tbh.


should I watch teen titans in 2024 or is it kuso
I remember liking it as a child but as an adult I feel like these kinds of shows are just outclassed by anime


>Fleischer Superman cartoons
>Batman: The Animated Series
>Super Man: The Animated Series
>Justice League
>Teen Titans
Why were DC cartoons always so kino? I don't even like superhero stuff normally. But they consistently hit it out of the park until current year.


dc comics in general are more interesting than marvel, they have more interesting source material to work with
I think they also tended to be more serious and kids actually crave serious entertainment since so much of it is goofy and stupid


I'm partial to Spider-Man: The Animated Series myself, but I remember those first three you mentioned being pretty good. I'd say the Fleischer Superman is definitely the most aesthetically pleasing.

I dislike capeshit (I don't think I've ever seen a superhero movie I like outside of Darkman), but it was much better in the '90s and before when it was mainly cartoons and comic books. Also, Adam West is the only live-action Batman I'll accept.


I want to fuck starfire and raven's tits.

The show's dumb otherwise.


Didn't you goys have access to anime girls when you were kids? I see so many wizards on the Internet still stuck on the girls from this crudely drawn cartoon.


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Japanimation girls aren't as attractive.


They are literally are based off of cuckime girls.


The art style is still westernized.


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The show was a pretty weird mix of styles. It had a lot of these exaggerated anime-style expressions with huge mouths and whatnot. It was shamelessly weeby at times.


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jew debate beast boy over animal rights
they even had a japanese band perform the theme song and set the series' movie in tokyo


It was the poor man's anime.


>only anime can be fuckable


Let's face reality: fapping to Western cartoons instead of anime girls is the culinary equivalent of choosing hamburger meat over ribeye.


Awful feet and cringe context


Son, this is a Murrican webzone. If you're hating on the culinary delights of FREEDOM then you need to leave.


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Western cartoon women at their best are more sexier than most Niptoon women.
You are gay.


Why do they both look like they're either gooks, or they have FAS?


>Spider-Man: The Animated Series
That one and the X-Men cartoon were both good. Their stories were actually serialized and a single arc could last an entire season. They were like straight adaptions of the comic books.


Capeshit was never good.


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The 90s toons were all capekino


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You posted the wrong version




Kinda sad we don't see as many hot western animated females because of shit like the (((CALarts))) infection.


Yeah, 2D animation has gone down the drain while also having to contend with 3DCG slop from companies like Pixar and Dreamworks. I have a soft spot for the older Pixar movies, but their effect on animation has been overwhelmingly negative.


kino, pure kino


They all look like plastic porn models.


>You are gay if you don't like nigger tier art and context.


They look like attractive women.


It's amazing how Western animation attracts some more idiotic and pathetic creatures even when compared to anime.
Is the form of media most dominated by pedos and crazy leftists.


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>The Oblongs is an American adult animated sitcom created by Angus Oblong and Jace Richdale. It was Mohawk Productions' first venture into animation. The series premiered on April 1, 2001 on The WB, and cancelled due to low ratings on May 20, leaving the last five episodes unaired.[1] The remaining episodes were later aired on Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim in August 2002, with the series premiering on the network in production order. The series is loosely based on a series of characters introduced in a picture book entitled Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children.

>The series focuses on the antics of a family who live in a poor valley community. As a result of pollution and radiation exposure, they are all either disabled, deformed, or mutated. The pollution is the direct result of the lavish lifestyle of the rich community known as "The Hills", whose residents exploit and harm the valley residents with absolutely no regard for their safety or well-being.

I've never watched this show, but it seems like it was ahead of its time.


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True, see how redditors, tumblr freaks and twitter trannies are mad at this guy.


Who else is going to watch the garbage that passes for Western animation these days?


His thumbnail has Deviantart 2008-2011 douge walker energy, and thats not entirely a bad thing tbh.


This guy is literally a 2015 skeptic adjacent media youtuber, the fact that reddit can so easily brigade a video that was once the default opinion of many people outside of leftists hot zones like twitter/tumbler shows how much things have (((changed))) for the worse. Also shows how far being a race denier can get you.


He is racist, that is a bad thing.


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The salt of the commentators:
<le this bruh is racist
<ur not cookin
<this mfer time traveled from 2016
<Uh yikes

It's like he was supposed to be quiet when he got burned out by faggy media, how long until redditors massflag his channel for wrongthink?


It's amazing how Americans are the worst users of their own language these days. I see more pajeets and Russians using English in a more eloquent and civilized way, even with grammatical errors.
The era of Faulkner, Ray Bradbury and Herman Melville is in the past. From Gen X onwards, English became increasingly retarded, infantilized and niggerfield.


tons of the comments are redditors bots as well, I've seen the same thing with youtubers who are just a little bit not faggots like this autist.
>how long till they flag his channel
Lately jewtube has allowed a ton of freedom since the rise of rumble and gen-x freedom twitter, they know that people will become more right-wing if they continue to censor, they might have side-stepped the streisand effect by not allowing you to find stuff via youtube search and purging jewtube of a ton of based channels but eventually they started moving to other platforms. Zoomers found these platforms and began to broadcast the /pol/-lite opinions on twitter and tiktok which made ZOG realize the best way to deal with the opposition is to basically just hope everything burns over till the Holocaust 2.0 you (will) actually be gassed happens.


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>you (will) actually be gassed happens.
<SS officers were more competent providing gas to the jews than the oil crisis at America that snowballed since the 70s.


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they hated him because he told the truth


I've come across about six different channels (randomly) seething about him and calling the hordes of menchildren (trannies included of course) to attack this guy.
Meanwhile, more and more western faggy writers are mercilessly trying to use anime aesthetics to gain some relevance since both their writing and art style are shit.


This reminds me of all the homosexuals that attack syntheticman, the last explicitly right-wing gaming channel on jewtube. For some context Synthetic Man is a kotaku-in-action redditor that got redpilled during gamergay, not saying hes /ourguy/ per say as hes still an e-celeb but I'd rather he be around than some faggot like moist redditor. At least he does what mist political channels dare not do, name the jew.


>name the jew.
So he's a grifter


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Reminder that most of the old Fleischer cartoons are public domain are up on YouTube, including their two feature-length animated films.


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Here's the other one.


Yeah I'd probably call him an e-grifter tbh, but all these jewtubers attack him for retarded reasons because they are subhuman normalniggers. Not gonna pretend I think an e-celebs based just because they say kikes are in charge cause that is just basic knowledge. There are no based e-celebs.


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>Defending Fairly Odd Parents
<Despite being the other cartoon that overstayed its welcome along side with Spongebob
The perpetual state of manchildren reviewing toons for coons who get their panties in a twist over words displayed on a screen.

I wish that was the case for Disney, the (((Fleischer))) brothers have lost the race to the superior jews at Paramount.


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I still need to watch more Fleischer stuff. I grew up watching stuff like Popeye, Superman, and other cartoons of theirs but still haven't seen an extensive amount of their output.

This one is probably my favorite of everything I've watched, by the way. I just wish this upload had music, but it's the only quality one I saw on JewTube. I thought there was another one in the past, but I can't find it now.


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Shut the fuck up and post my Raven


Hottest half-jewish girl ever.
Manchildren have no culture but childhood consumerism, its a depressing thing, but its why they always remember the good ol' days of 90s vidya, TMNT, fairly odd parents, spongebob, et cetera. That is all they had as children, and its all they will have till they die.


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>cartoon that overstayed its welcome
apparently they eventually turned that into a plot point


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For me it was Wonder Loli!


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All of the old Soviet cartoons are up on Youtube too. Including The Snow Queen (1957), based on the same Hans Christian Andersen story that inspired Frozen. This was the movie that made Hayao Miyazaki want to become an animator. Supposedly, he would went to see it over and over again because the little girl in this was his waifu. But I don't know how much of that is true and how much is just weeb folklore.


Would destroy her.


She's jewish.



Lol at Nigger Lantern's giant baboon lips! What a disgusting sub human "people"


Would destroy her harder.


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She's supposed to be the embodiment of feminism, based on a dyke committing peaceful arsons, although the creator poured his bondage fetish like the great ally he was.


God, look how fucking smug she is!


That one was a good and yet silly episode, one of the best things about Justice League forcing romances was making Diane be a slut for Batman


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Damn right.


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All good things must come to an end I guess


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>that AC/DC logo
Does Raven have the backseat rhythm?


Thanks ravenfag very cool


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Why during the early 2000's every corporation come up with this pseudoanime artstyle? And I don't mean Teen Titans, but also Avatar and the fetish inducing shit from Canada. Was it because of Toonami?


Yeah they were aping the success of the anime they were importing from Japan over the 90's.


Yes it was, DBZ, Naruto and One Piece pushed companies to create stuff like that.
Genuine appreciation for anime as well as they actually worked with Nips on this stuff.


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Does Richard Williams' work still holds up? I miss him.


the info on walks and no music is useful


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>Shoah Jump was treasured by the west


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The Thief and the Cobbler is pretty cool.


Ye its good


I need to give this another try. The obviously unfinished parts of the recobbled cut put me off when I tried to watch it years ago.


We need Raven Vice doing a Ravena cosplay

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