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I think a big reason why so many Amerikike products fail and many Chinese, Korean and Japanese products succeed is because they are straightforward and non cynical about youth and all it's pleasures.

You should enjoy your youth as much as you can as you will decline and expire very quickly, and instead these faggot kikes are keeping every youngling chained, not through christcuckery and "muh morals" but Helicopter parenting and "muh environment".

I think the TL;DR here is that I wish there were still lighthearted movies about getting drunk and laid.


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My favorite fun youth film is the Australian New Wave film, Wake in Fright, AKA Outback, a WFC selection a while back. It's about a young schoolteacher who finds himself stranded in a small town in the Outback, where he gets involved in all kinds of debauchery. It's a cozy film that will make you want to pound down some beers.


Honestly not a fan of either drinking or "getting" laid per se but I can't decide whether I should accept it as a new paradigm of the declining times that has to be accepted or to cling to morals and virtues that no one truly follows anymore but have the potential to make anon stronger. Or well both.

Either way I don't drink anymore and I'm a robot who can't get "pussy" anyways do a lot of these films come across as pathetic wish fullfilment to me. Think Superbad as a late example of one of these films.


Not to entirely discourage people from drinking if you like it or if its your way to cope but I didn't have a way to really turn off my switch when I drank so it was best to just stop altogether.


I don't drink anymore, either, but I don't regret drinking when I was younger. Had some fun times drinking with friends. You just get to the point where the party's over.


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>but I didn't have a way to really turn off my switch when I drank
Sounds like generalized anxiety, your instinct is literally to self medicate as alcohol removes your pointless anxiety driven inhibitions.
Happened with people around me, happens with me, though thankfully I have self control.
The point I'm trying to make is that there is barely or no more media about having non inhibited fun.

All these works are driven by out of touch sheltered retards or complete fucking degenerates.


Yeah I tend to eat and drink milk as well at this point, I don't got the ebst diet. Life often comes across as a drag to me so I guess you really do stuff like that to self-medicate and stave off the bordem.

As a child I wanted to be a hero, like a warrrior of antiquity or a knight if the middlr ages, when I found out hoe stifling and almost impossible it was to act in a heroic manner in the modern age I quickly became very nihilistic about my life. Much like some autist philospher like Misihima I attempt to cotinue my warrior-autist spirit in my heart as I truck through my drag of a day to day life.

Shitposting and talking here is aldo always a pleasure.



Fuck I hate typing.


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>Much like some autist philospher like Misihima
Or Ignatius J. Reilly? :^)


Hes literally me anon, or at least I will become him if don't fix my diet soon.


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Just don't scarf down so many hot dogs.


I don't eat much, I prepare my own fruit spreads, burgers, and barbecue sauce, I gotta cut down on the milk though. In the process of trying to make decent kiefer to consume as a substitute for expensive raw milk and to help in my production of crepes. I even made a semi-sucessful batch of mustard.


I usually just drink milk substitutes, although I don't know if those are all that good for you either. I think overall my diet is better than the average person's in that I don't drink much sugary crap or eat very many sweets, but I do like carbs too much. I've never been overweight in my life though.


I'll clarify the main reason I am overweight is likely to much milk and suger, along sith not enough exercise.


I try my hand at making fermented tea, its basically one of the stages of moonshine but it gives a lot energy tastes good, and doesn't rape my internal organs.


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Writers and artists in the modern West have a difficult time being straightforward or non-cynical about anything. They wrap themselves in countless layers of irony and cynicism because they're afraid that they'll be mocked if they allow their genuine emotions to be seen. That's why everything today is lacking in feeling or "soul." They're scared to death of being called cringe, yet they don't seem to understand that it's better to be cringe and real than fake and boring.


I was thinking something along these lines the other day, too. Most of the newer writers of media these days are young, and they don't really have a lot of real word experience. A guy that watched his friend's legs get blown off in Verdun is going to have better stories than a guy that sat at home all day under the watchful eye of the nanny state. Much like wrestling, the best gimmicks are always "that guy's real personality turned up to 11".


read e unibus pluram
perhaps the most important essay on television ever written


They're all bitchmade and deserve to be mocked though. The fact that they hide through irony should make the ridicule even harsher because they to act like closeted homos about it.


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He's right, we need to kill every Jew and nigger in Hollywood and burn them inside tires.


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>file name
How dare you insult Travis like that

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