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The Iran promoting cultural marxism in our nation must be stoped, now they are making a female Fight Club


I always love how its somehow never the kikes when these jewtubers try to tell you the truth.


>worldclass bullshitters
It's a bunch of niggers and mullatos. They cannot and will not name their biggest supporters in life.


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Kys Ramoncoon


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I believe you think about Ramon more than everybody else on this board, combined.


He is unironically a faggot. He accuses others of being faggots but it's always him talking about dicks.

The sad reality is that Jews, even when they mess up, still manage to fool some idiots. Since so many woketards have something about Palestine on their Twitter profiles the anti-woketards associate Israel with the good side.
Even so, that channel is not one of the worst.


Cat Fight Club could be good if it features hot, young, topless (rule 6) women. Also if they make it a porno flick.


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>ur jewish
>ur spic
>ur gay
You're a gay nigger lover, buddy lol. Kys.


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Is it true Iran legalized trannification but they won't legalize faggot marriage?
>Fight Cuck
Hilarious considering it was revealed that Norton's regretted joining the club because it was a terrorist group of incels, what would be their plot-twist? Make the dykes victims and romanticize their actions because le capitalist patriarchy bad?


Cuckservatives and other idiots don't understand the real reason why kikes hate and want Iraq and Iran destroyed.
It's not Islam and much less oil, but envy of the Persians and the fact that Zoroastrianism is older and more original than their butthurt Fairy tales about Moses and Abraham.


You'd think they would swagger jack a good movie. Gerwig must have a special hair up her ass regarding Fight Club.


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Just watch some good Roger Corman south-american kino like Deathstalker or Andy Sidaris Triple-B kino.


Stupid tar monkey niggers and shitskin indiarats


OP predicted the future.

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