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Jack Black will play Steve


It wouldn't be made unless at least one jew participated in the cast.


All these adaptations are so boring. Hollyjew takes whatever is popular and tries to make a movie out of it but fails because inherently the form of being a movie is inferior to the original. Vidyashit sucks, has there been a single good one in recent times? Maybe Sonic but that uses the old trope of being campy and bringing them to the real world which seems to be the only way this works.


It's debatable whether it lived up to the hype, but I liked the Mario movie.


So what is the big deal about Minecrap?


It's basically autism: the game.


Its over


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Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days. It's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap.


it's legos but you have infinite legos and there's an AI that plays with you


It's what every zoomer grew up playing because they're all autists and now that they are adults they can be cashed in on.


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Because their brainrot slop is so much better than anyone's.


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>I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days.
They aren't though it's Roblox that took over the top spot a few years ago and is twice as popular while Minecraft numbers are in a downward trajectory as new versions aren't being embraced by the existing community.

As for this movie I wouldn't be surprised if it was kept in production over the years and only greenlit when the numbers told them the brand was in danger and needed to do something to stay relevant. Maybe that's what movie adaptations of video games will all turn into.


Based fucking mike


Cause the new versions post 1.12.2 suck ass.


honestly there has been some updates that have improved the game:
the caves update, which got delayed and split into a bunch of parts, but most importantly added new upper and lower limits to the world, making bigger builds possible (don't really like caving in the new version though)
1.16 included a nether update that introduced variety into the nether and allowed for new weird things like soul sand elevators
1.13 gave the player increased mobility underwater
most updates have been useless though


They all added cool shit, but the ocean one was the only one which modders didn't already do better before or already in a different way. You could get a superior experience in 1.12.2 or 1.7.10 with mods and all those features. 1.7.10 even has mods that backports the features straight fron the uodatd, 1.12.2 does as well but its not as fullproof.


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>Second Life
Children are playing that now?


I think that one just has a very very dedicated userbase of elderly people, no kids


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Here, have the extended gif.
That was always the impression I was under.


He's never been funny or charismatic, he's just a fat kike with no talent who got roles because of nepotism. He's not even good during the X Files episode.


take that back now
jack black is the TOP hispanic movie star


Is he another Jew larping as a spic?

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