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That's your queen you piece of shit, show some respect.


look jewish


>tfw ashley is sadly one of the better current year /tv/ waifus
Its so over…


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Deal with it


Ashley is not jewish.
Lack of big booba and big bounda


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She changed for profile pic for her birthday.

Her boyfriend ruined everything…


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bbcmenko did the same for some reason


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Still not convinced Outmatched wasn't an elaborate /tv/ shitpost someone sneaked into the Fox line-up


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She changed her profil pic again.
Look jewish



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Lmao. POST more like that.


Women can be vastly different in appearance at 30. It all depends on how they've been taking care of themselves up until that point.


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>Women can be vastly different in appearance at 30. It all depends on how they've been taking care of themselves up until that point.
Correct because incelism is slave morality and "the wall" is a spiritual belief, not a scientific one


It's all well and good if they look like them well into their 40s, but I don't believe we should be comparing post-menopausal women to 30-year-old women, they are a different age segment. That said, women shouldn't be waiting until basically the halfway point of their fertile years to "settle down", this is a large factor in what's killing the West.


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>That said, women shouldn't be waiting until basically the halfway point of their fertile years to "settle down"
Yeah well what are you going to do, cry about it? Not really anything you can do about it. Either way it's retarded that incels bring up fertility so much. If you can't even get a date, marriage and kids should be far from your mind


Nazi incels are scum but to be fair to them, so are "their" women. White women are all nigger lusting bbcamenkos.


No such thing as an incel, but even the childless have a right to be concerned with the greater good.


What do you guys think Ash's pussy looks like?


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>Nazi incels are scum but to be fair to them, so are "their" women. White women are all nigger lusting bbcamenkos.


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I don't think I am capable of getting tempted by a black, tranny or no


This tbh


god we need to bring back queen elections


It's just an autism contest. Ashley is queen as far as I care.


Emojitroon fucks both with his 14cm russian/scottish benis


Venti looks like mulatta Emma Stone in that picture. I'd go with the tranny.


Genuinely gay


You just know Muttni is hardcore into raceplay and can only get off when the BWC calls her a nigger over and over again.



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She added new pics on her imdb. But no picture of her birhtday party.

What a good whore but it's over


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Imagine how good it would be to impregnate her.


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Look the size of Ashley neck.
May li phenotype


time to fap


Smug androgynous nigger lover


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>daily faggy.shitty zoomer cretin.


Jewzach btfo'd!!!

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