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File: 1726116192477.png (774.06 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


I don't really get why people love watching these movies. Sure, they're funny for 10-20 minutes, but they get boring pretty fast.


It's OK OP, you don't have to get it. Some people just enjoy different things.


File: 1726120723677.png (443.05 KB, 808x475, 808:475, 1721341726618913.png) ImgOps iqdb

It's kino. Incel with zero life can't understand.


Depends on the movie. Most bad movies are just plain bad, but there are a few that somehow end up being good even if not in the way they were intended.


Where would Freddy Got Fingered fit? It's a terrible movie that I find very amusing, but I get the feeling that's completely intentional on Green's part.


It's a 1 Million dollar shitpost
Green isn't shy about that fact, it's nothing but a bunch of scenes mocking the investors and Hollywood cliches of the time.


Everybody betray me, I fed with this world.


Mad God feels like a bad trip, but the stop-motion animation is superb.


Okay Sam Hyde, you are an unfunny faggot, we get it.


>So bad they're good
You just described this site


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is actually just good.


Awful, their second shit movie is better

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