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>Pirates loot a ship of its riches before blowing it up. Father-and-son survivors of noble birth wash ashore of an island, and the injured father perishes. The son (Douglas Fairbanks) promises to seek revenge by infiltrating the same band of buccaneers and bringing them to justice. Posing as the "Black Pirate," he defeats the captain, captures a merchant ship single-handedly and earns himself a role as their new leader. Unanticipated is a princess (Billie Dove) who needs protection.

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Movies from the Butthurt Belt


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>Little Jozko (Pavol Angst), who has been brought up solely by his mother (his father being absent), dreams of having a real father. As a substitute, he has a very close friendship with a handsome young mechanic and motorcycling enthusiast nicknamed 'Formula', a wild and happy-go-lucky man whom Jozko's mother somewhat disapproves of. When, one day, Jozko's mother receives a telegram out of the blue from Jozko's real father asking them to join him, Jozko is upset that he will have to say goodbye to Formula for good - for the sake of a man he doesn't even know.


>The black pirate

i'm louis ck and i approve of this concept


So many movies of this era were titled The Black this or that, you have to be skeptical of it.


>NEXT WEEKS THEME: Movies from the Butthurt Belt
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Just finished the movie. The whole thing is on YouTube.
It's a great piece of spectacle. The story and the characters are very simple, but that's all you need with a film like this. I am kind of disappointed that Fairbanks never had climactic sword fight with the main villain. He just throws a knife at his hand and chokes him out.




Unfunny virgin.


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>Butthurt Belt
Is there any Czech Kino with Ramon?

Have you ever read pulp magazines from the early 20th century? Almost half of the Conan the Barbarian stories have "Black" in the title, but it has nothing to do with niggers.


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Black = Terrible and Dangerous
Just like niggers, but we can't say that anymore because someone will cry bitch tears.


You mean Ramon Coon? He always seethes hard when I remind his homosexual ass that Ramon Coon is a shitskin nigger.


It might be because you're really bad at racism and you don't know the proper slurs. AND it might also be that he's not seething, but, in fact, giggling at you chimping out every time you see a beaner.


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>n-n-noz I'm the one who is ackshully winning!
>ur bad at racism
That last one is plain gay. "U-u-ur bad at racism!" Lol fag.


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>Doesn't know proper slurs
>chimps out about it


"Muh slurs" is a weird hill for you to seethe on. You never heard of the nigger word before?


The butthurt gaycel is unironically saging a pinned thread…


>saging a pinned thread

As people have been patiently explaining to you for what feels like a decade now, a "coon" is a black person, which Ramon emperically is not, being a hispanic man from Cuba. "Spic" is the term you're thinking of.

We've been telling you this for years and you're still too stupid to understand this, and are about to insist that no, this obviously light brown skinned swarthy man from the carribean is actually an african because you say so, then you'll spam pictures of black penises because that makes sense to do in your mind.


"Hispanic" is not a race, obviously from his hair, you can tell he has some Negroid admixture. Many "Hispanic" Caribbeans have some Black in them.


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The beaner is actually right in that he has clear African elements in his features. I don't know that he'd like to hear this, but it's not all that uncommon for Mexcrements who identify as "indigenous" to be of nog descent too.


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Ramon is cuban. That's the reason. One of his ancestors was Buck Broken.


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Does that make him an ass baby? He still turned out more well adjusted than the board beaner.


Yes, but just because they have some nigger in their genes doesn't make them outright niggers, like our resident gaylord seethes everyday. Most wetbacks are a hybrid of whatever human sacrifice tribe they belonged to getting kebab'd by the Moortuguese, mixed in with a touch of jungle bunny sugar cane harvester.
For instance; In America, Some people couldn't stop breaking bucks and now we have light skinned niggers. Just because they're nappy headed cannibals like their kinfolk back on "da mutha continent n sheeeit" doesn't make them Africans; They a new unholy class of darkie.
This is exactly why race mixing is bad.
Yes, Aztec mixed with Congotech. That's not a nigger, that's just your average greaser.


Be careful, if you correct the retard too much he'll start spamming pictures of actual, full blooded niggers' penises. Which isn't gay behavior, you know. Only posting SFW pictures of some random cuban guy. That's gay as the day is long. Actual literal interracial pornography? Perfectly normal.


>full blooded nigger penises
Almost sounds like you want to see them lol.


Cool projection, my hispanic friend.

Most of us don't have negro penises saved to our hard drives, unlike you, who emperically does, since you like spamming nigger dicks all over this website. I believe one such image you have on a thread on /dunk/ right now, my mexican friend.

Why are you like this?


What I find funniest about nuzach is he somehow latched on to the da jo0z baby nonsense while also always claiming to be the one true board Nazi. All that autism would have been somewhat understandable if he was at least white, but he isn't.


He also claimed recently that he wasn't even Christian but then started getting offended on Christianity's behalf again recently. Does he just throw things out there thinking he's some kind of advanced troll or master of disguise?


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He is a chronic liar. He lies to himself. Other than that he has a very feminine demeanor, he will embrace something he hates just to appear rebellious and attract men's attention in the most spiteful and dumb way possible.


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Reminder back in the day zach used to pretend to be a based natsoc to try and gaslight /tv/ into not supporting humble harv, he evidently ended up making the meme even bigger.


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Sounds like another way Nuzach is a pale imitation of the real Zach. The hapa was a Chad in comparison to the Mexcrement.

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