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These were apparently really popular in the 70's, but no one talks about them anymore, except to make fun. Are any of them worth watching?


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Rode the ride, never saw the film. I'd wager it's pretty good considering they made a ride based on it.


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I haven't seen much of the classics, but I always had an odd fascination with 2012. Like the insanity to go though the literal ground being torn up below you and still being unphased. Even if I was with John Q and knew I'd make it to the boat in the end, I'd probably accept death. Living with the trauma of having asteroids the size of banks being hurled at me whilst the ground explodes from under my feet is no way to live and it frightens me they were so dedicated to do so.


>2012 came and went, the Mayan calendar was bunk and the world is still here
Now there's a movie that hasn't aged well.


Not if you look at it metaphorically. World went to shit after 2012 that is true we are the living dead. Only the rich elites that got on the boat managed to get through.


Didn't the Mayans just cut their calendar cut off in 2012 and then everyone else just assumed that it meant the world was going to end?


Never had any respect for this crap and thank god they stopped making them.


Did they ever make a movie similar to this, but about Y2K? Like, a movie where it really happened? That sounds much more interesting.


>but no one talks about them anymore
9/10 new movies from hollywood are disaster movies, just not in the classical sense


They marked the end of an era, doesn't mean it's the last one
What does it mean when an era finishes and another one begins is another story altogether, funnily enough both the chinamen and the pajeets think the same, we are in a transition

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