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File: 1726403712165-0.jpg (155.93 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, capitao_falcao-816109232-l….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1726403712165-1.mp4 (22.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, How to spot communists.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Feels like this film is getting memory hole'd and it hasn't even been 10 years. I'll be willing to share the copy I have if anyone can reccomend a good fileshare site. I can't be bothered with torrents. Idk, Idc



Thanks, anon. Looks interesting.


Medbull movie


thank you and enjoy. The subtitles are a wee bit fudged but it's still good.


Its a bit slow in parts, could use tighter editing but otherwise a solid film if you give it the time. The main is a wonderful lead. Joyious fun


Is Super Ramon the Cuban Falcon?


The Coon-an Falcon.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
We must secure the existence of colonized nigger nations to guarantee a future for bleached wombs!


Go jack off your little dick watching troon coon porn and kys.


Shit posting aside, you all deserve this wonderful film <3


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Very anti-semitic film, Putin should nuke them tanned mexcrements instead of raping jewkranians.


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They held the kike back for 30+ years, but alas, the muttoid hordes, their propaganda and glowops were too much for such a small landmass.


(((Kissinger))) had francos successor killed, they stood valiantly against the jews.


>Kissinger made sure to seal Spain's destiny and turn it into another turd world country with the bunch of land they colonized
Funny how nobody points that out, since marxists were g*d's chosen and the perpetually buck broken mutts still worship Peron and Allende.


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You faggots need to talk about this movie


Thanks for the link.


Kino. It would be great to have a sequel with Super Ramon's participation.


Thanks for posting the movie. I downloaded it and don't plan on watching it, but at least I can back it up in case it completely disappears.

I remember seeing a /tv/ thread about the movie years ago.


>Feels like this film is getting memory hole'd
It still gets commented a lot, just not among the jabroni faggot community
I still get mad we didn't get the sequel but that might be expected because it got boycotted in Portugal to begin with despite being polled as a highly-expected movie when the mock trailer first appeared


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>it got boycotted in Portugal to begin with
It didn't, just had a really shitty marketing campaign and the 50s/60s art design only really appeals to a certain niche.
Shit, most normalfags don't know or even care how things looked like in decades prior.


Lots of fags on this website obsessed with men. Ramon coon masturbates to nigger tranny porn and you're a dago dick thirster.


File: 1726752359040.jpg (50.2 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Ramon Trannyspector.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

<Lots of fags on this website obsessed with men.
>Proceeds to save nigger dicks on his computer


>Ramon coon can't stop talking about nigger dicks
>promises he isnt gay
>proceeds masturbating to tranny porn
Get therapy.


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I can't stop talking about them because you keep sucking them for all to see!


>fantasizes about an anon sucking nigger dicks because he got trolled with porn so hard
>keeps posting his shitskin dressed like a coon off the boat
>doesnt deny he is gay and a trans porn addict
get therapy, coon!


>It didn't
It did, their national awards even got shit load of angry letters because they nominated a fascist movie, it won best soundtrack and best costumes i think anyways.
In its release people didn't really respond to the enthusiasm or as that article not many from non-portuguese origin when to check it. I am trying to find that article, i recall 100k people went to see it but i don't know if in the first week or entire release. It also seems it got HBO time this year.

It's a great slapstick movie and a good example on how the writer swam between ironic and post-ironic intend, also good directing in subtly showing the jews were behind both the red scare and the military rebellion in-universe.


I liked this movie. Downloaded it years ago after seeing it mentioned here. Rather hokey but still funny and an enjoyable enough watch. I hardsubbed it to post on telegram and have it on there for whatever reason, I guess just to be able to pull up and redownload if I ever have the urge. I see you already uploaded it, otherwise I would have suggested I could have made a public channel and posted it on there if anyone wanted it without having to join or anything (public channel, as I said)


The only one that can't stop talking about tranny porn and nigger dicks is you.

It's about all you do. Any time, day and night, you're there to ramble about tranny porn and the number one thing on your mind: negro phalluses.

To what end, anon?


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Yep, another thread with Jewzach seething, projecting and trying to derail.


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>AHAHAH I just trolled you epic style with these nigger dicks I totally don't masturbate to
lHave sex trooncel


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Você jamais será branco e feliz, Nuzach.


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>shitty hype
Either way it's really heart breaking they only got the one. Seem like the director and actor have stopped working in flim looking at the imdb so maybe there was some sort of issue underneath. Sad, the movie does resonate a strong pro Portugal sentimentality, it's just under the guise of a child like facist.

I keep comparing it to Ed Wood in my head with the same level of fanatical camp, thats brought out by possible delusion ed wood ended with his shameful ending and cap fal ends with photos of the real revaluation

But the movie showed a lot of heart and character. I really love the character of Capt Falcon, he's brilliantly concieved. I always appreciated that he's such a boot licker that his fighting style has his hand out in a begging position


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Absolutamente basado!


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A dame walked into my office, all legs and curves and trouble with a capital XY. She was wearing a dress so tight it looked like it had been painted on, and a bulge in her skirt that told me she was nothing but trouble.

I knew from the moment she opened her mouth that she was lying through her teeth, but I couldn't resist. I was drawn to her like a gorduck to a flame, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this case would be anything but easy easy lemon squeezy.


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>da joooooss
I'm glad Jews slaughtered Palestinian sand niggers. Nazi incels seethe even though they don't want Palestinians in "their" country. Retards.


Okay next time I play Cyberpunk 2020 or Call of Cthulhu I'm going to create a character based on Ramon.


File: 1726872597477.webm (214.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Play that kino.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Don't forget:
High social/charm skills
Low strength
High Endurance
Can speak various languages


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


how many shekels did Sam get for saying that? I bet you can get Ramon and Armond White to say the same thing for free


Ramon is based unlike you.


Ramon is a spic, not a coon, and you are a motherfucking parrot with a two word vocabulary.


I laughed my ass off at that lel


So now you are larping as Yakuza, Jewzach?


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I love some noir literature and kino and thank you very much to actually being creative and makings us kek


awesome find, thank you

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