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New Kpop group Katseye features a Indian, Black and White Latina girl. Koreans are being replaced by immigrants.


This looks so adorable. I wouldn't mind them being the replacements.


I hope you die in a fire.


gookdups btfo


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When are we going to have Ramon acting in some k-slop?


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I'm more attracted to attractive Poojitas and negresses than attractive zipperhead women, but neither of them do much for me.


Women refused to breed, then you get brownoids.


>Start selling to the international market
>Attracts non-natives to the country
Isolationism is the only way to preserve your national identity in these times of global mass immigration. Best Korea doesn't have this problem and will prosper while worst korea drowns in non-gooks.


>White Latina
Pick one


K-porn is almost as kino as JAV


I never watched, their women are disgusting, I visit South Korea back in 2022 and the place was pozzed as fuck, most of the trannies around there are FtM wanting to have sex with black guys.


Why is South Korea so pozzed? ZOGmerica of course kikes everything buy why is South Korea soooo bad?


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Koreans are just chinese anyway. The country barely existed until the start of the 1960s. Theres still plenty of Yamato people in other asian countries.
Also the Golden Goddesses cult runs Korea.


They have always had an inferiority complex towards both China and Japan, who both tried to conquer them multiple times in history. Even though Korea technically never lost, they still think it's embarrassing because deep down inside they know if they were powerful enough they would have been the ones invading their neighbors.


korea lost every single time. The chinese completely replace their royalty and leaders with chinese. Japan used them as a cumdump.


Sure, but each time both China and Japan took off again once their own homeland politics got too hot.


China ethnically replaced Korea's population multiple times so there was no need to stay with China imperialism.


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Soon all popstars will be thick bimbo kweens with obvious BBLs and long fake nails like Latto, Cardi B, Ice Spice and Saweetie. Travis' vision is nearly here. As above, so back in Houston


So not hot?


None of it is good.


Pornography is illegal in Korea.


They, along with Taiwan and India, are the largest consumers of nigger porn.



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