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There has only ever been 1 good horror movie


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>inb4 Zach


the thing is good but i don't consider it horror, cause it's so fucking gimmicky, texas hits u in the soul, kino soul


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I've never seen it, but I'll make a point to add it to my Halloween seasonal queue. Since you're always boosting it on here, it must be good.

The A Nightmare on Elm Street remake was the one that got me into horror movies, and now I'm playing catch-up on all the classics I missed out on as a kid.


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To be honest I haven't watched too much, have u seen this classic incest kino?


I haven't watched too much either. I've basically watched the Child's Play original trilogy, the Halloween franchise and I'm about halfway through the A Nightmare on Elm Street series.


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This ones pretty kino considering it's an all female cast, the asian in this was hot as fuck


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No, there are plenty. The one you posted is true kino though. It's among the best.

It's also Mark Borchardt approved, man.
I only ever liked the special effects.


Okay post some other kino


There's a lot of horror slop I enjoy even though I know they're slop. But I have never been able to respect a Friday the 13th movie. They're the epitome of low-effort vomit.


The Friday the 13th series for me always seemed like it was designed to be background slop for kids in the theater making out in the dark.


Night of the Living Dead
The Gate
Island of Lost Souls
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari


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I got around to watching this last night. I think it was recommended here last fall. I dig it. The only other Christopher Lee film I had seen was Star Wars, and he was much more impressive here in his prime. Nastassja Kinski was a cutie.


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Emoji? I thought you left


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The bait, you posted it, we came


I am not Emojitroon, I didn't know he was the one who recommended it.


dogshit, texas feels real, this feels like some 12 year old boy made a horror character


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Don't watch his recommendations, they are always filled with thinly veiled tranny occultism

did u notice this in the movie? your subconscious did, that's how emoji converts people.


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oops I meant this photo


Yes, I noticed it. Baphomet is the god of troons, but the film didn't push troonism other than showing that image of Baphomet.


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Baphomet is baste.


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baphomet is a tranny and merely a reversed Jesus.
Asatru is the best religion.


>baphomet is a tranny
The androgynous look is supposed to symbolize balance.


We must all love pan!




and so are you




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It's me or the 4k version disapear ?

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