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>Asians make a movie in Asia
>Asians make a movie in America
>irredeemable trash
Explain this phenomenon.


an absence in Asia of negrophilic liberals/leftists and Soyeddit culture.


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This movie is pure Jav kino


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
kino movie and soundtrack


I miss Yakuza.


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He's not coming back, I scared him off, he posts about bbc on 4chan instead of here now, are u happy?


Asian Americans are subhumans, most of them are crazy left-winger way more cringe and bitter than white left-wingers.


From the survey results I've seen, they also seem to be even more anti-white than blacks.


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don't be so sure about that.


True asian americans are salty about having tiny dicks and White Men getting their best asian women with no effort.


I think most straight white males nowadays prefer asian ladyboys to asian girls, yakuza is proof



Everything Everywhere was a little reddit tier in randomness, but that's to be expected of its subject matter. Pretty good movie otherwise.


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Because they are Asian-American and cater to the Asian diaspora in America rather than understanding and embracing their native lands.


The core drama about family was good which is why I liked the first 15 min the best. A movie with just that would have been more compelling. The multiverse action-comedy crap was reddit tier.


You add american to anything and it instantly becomes the worst version possible of that thing because it's inevitably watered down and has a lot of liberalism stuffed up its ass.


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>Everything Everywhere was a little reddit tier in randomness, but that's to be expected of its subject matter. Pretty good movie otherwise.
I just can't believe anyone older than a teenager watched it and found it meaningful. How can you go through all the shit life throws at you and find this rick and morty garbage poignant. Made for sheltered art school babies for whom "dude nothing matters" is a real philosophy they can live by because the toughest part of their day is whatsapping their parents for more "rent money" which they will spend on pills and vinyl


The asian males are now becoming more and more far-left since all their women are liberals dating niggers, other women or white guys. See the gook-americans on jewtube, most of them are now embracing breadtuber and shilling for trannies.

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