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File: 1726753196123.jpg (159.83 KB, 734x1000, 367:500, 91iY86ZIuOL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I rewatched it. As far as talmudvision goes, it held up. It's not "great" but there were no niggers. I don't think we will ever see a niggerless show like this ever again.
Season 7 is at least as bad as season 8. I think 7 is worse. "Beyond the Wall" and the whole "let's go white walker hunting" was hands down the worst episode of the series. Horrible fan service.
People hated season 8 because they wanted Queen Shitskin to win forever. I'm very happy with the ending actually, except for Jaime because Jaime had literally the whole show where his character was growing up from his manchild origins…and he runs back to Cersei? It was too much expectation subverting. Thats where GRRM and the showrunners fucked up, you can't subvert everything because then you become a hack. So, GOT is ultimately hack work. If Jaime had stayed and put Brienne's cunt in her place like he was doing, it would have been good and logical. That is where they fucked up, not with Queen Shitskin.
Season 8 was OK. 7 and 8 were obviously rushed and that cheapened their quality, but I do think 7 is the worst. They even turned Baelish into a retard. I saw the contrived hostility between Sansa and Arya a mile away. Sansa had berated Baelish already. She rejected him in the Godswood. Baelish knew she hated him. So, when Sansa suddenly starts heeding his counsel and confiding in him, Mr. Ultimate Game Player wasn't suspicious in the slightest? Baelish needed to die but like with Tyrion they made him suddenly very stupid.
HBO got cheap and it almost killed the series but not because Queen Shitskin didn't accomplish all the liberal wish fulfillment.


File: 1726769134041-0.mp4 (864.06 KB, 352x264, 4:3, ELPRESADOR speculates on G….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1726769134041-1.mp4 (433.88 KB, 352x264, 4:3, ELPRESADOR tells the truth….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Season 4 is best

danny hit the wall after 4


Who is Danny


>Baelish needed to die
more like needs to win, CIA literally was the only character I rooted for the entire series. He literally is winning in the books George 1/4 martin will never finish.

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