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>The Baron Munchausen (Milos Kopecky) is an over-the-top storyteller whose fantastic adventures take him everywhere from dusty Turkish battlefields to the deepest recesses of a whale's belly. When the Baron, who is enjoying a relaxing stay on the moon, is joined by gregarious space traveler Cyrano de Bergerac, the duo set off on a round-the-universe journey that will introduce them to the beautiful Princess Bianca (Jana Brejchová) and the formidable Tonik (Rudolf Jelinek).

NEXT WEEKS THEME: One of the top 10 worst movies you've ever seen


looks like an interesting film.


Here are some of the worst I've seen. Include them at your discretion.
>27 Dresses
>Pitch Perfect 2
>The Ang Lee Hulk Movie
>Star Wars: The Force Awakens only nu-wars movie I've seen; I'm told the others are even worse.
>Blow Up (1966)
>The Holiday
I didn't include any of the movies I watched MST3K for obvious reasons.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's kino.


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>One of the top 10 worst movies you've ever seen
Alien Uprising (2012)
The poster remembers me of SF Masterworks covers.


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What a great lil daughter!


Bodybuilding women are grotesque. The girls of the BDM were fit and didn't look like this.


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Let's watch some Ramonkino next week


Green Room.
I would rather watch him over watching that pretentious anti-white movie again.


Wasn't that bad


What pretentious anti white movie?


Green Room.


Lords of Dogtown. I was expecting more, but it was a cobbled mess.

All the Child's Play films after 3, when they adopted a comedic tone. The remake from a few years ago was okay.

The Schumacher Batman films.

Spider-Man 3, after that, I quit capeslop.

Hard Candy


Can't think of any others. I usually pick good ones to watch.


>The Schumacher Batman films.
>Spider-Man 3, after that, I quit capeslop.
bad opinions


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They tricked me into thinking it was a comedy about matt damon shrinking himself but it was actually a boring no fun drama about climate change.


>capshit respecter

I sincerely hope you and everybody like you walks the plank into shark infested waters you gay cuckold


They didn't even show much of the small world except for a few size difference gags, at least Damon realized the tree-fuckers is nothing but a suicide cult and ended up fucking a gook.


Fuck, that happened with me too, people including anons are telling me to watch it.
Just unfunny "lol my mexicans" and "lol my climate change" and crazy liberal cult being the good guys in the end.
Even Super Ramon delivery best kino.

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