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Why do black people like Family Guy so much?


Op is addicted to bbc


It's a very simple show. In terms of writing, narrative, and, character development, it's beyond simplistic.
In fact, Family Guy is basically a kids' show, just with swearing, gore, and sexual innuendoes.


Aren't we all?


For me, it's big breasted cocksluts.


because niggers are retarded and identify with peter being retarded.


Low IQ adult animation. It's the most accessible to idiots like them and the most absurd.


good explanation


Show me some examples, anon


You are addicted to bbc


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Big black cuckolds? Because niggers still suck off their overlords despite being humiliated all the way until the 1970s when they finally realized they were the punchline of every golden era cartoon and went apeshit with shotguns threatening congress and white folks with the excuse of "Muh 2nd amendment n shieeet'.


Niggers are cucks.


Fuck black people and hollywood

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