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Yakuza fell into the hands of westerniggers and normalfags. And the show will be a slop produced by women and kikes.


Yakuza 7 is kino


This reminded me of the tons of people who've never even heard of the series before covid seething everywhere online about the switch to turn based combat.


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Yakuza 7 was kino as fuck.


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Yakuza wins again!


The awards arent nearly this enthusiastic anymore. Impressive how hard this place has fallen.


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The mods banning everyone interesting for hurting their feelings really did a number on this place. I seriously think there's probably only like ten of us here anymore.


Well its never over Ramonfag, as long as we stick around and shitpost another day.


Mods did nothing wrong tbh. You should be grateful you're even allowed to post that nigger's face.


I never banned anyone for posting Ramon, I gave at least one or two temp bans only 30 min to 2 hours to a ramonposter for constantly baitng nuzach and by extension helping to derail threads.
t. janny


Those retards bait each other. If nuzach stopped posting nigger dicks at least here, then it's time to permanently ban that ugly buttfucking brownoid too.


Anon I'm not gonna ban every ramonfag or that ramonfag as he at least enjoys posting other stuff on the site besides b8ing our resident autist.


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Was the nip movie adaptation any good? Yakuza games were originally based off old yakuza movies so making a movie out of the game seems redundant, like how Uncharted was.

I only played the first two yakuza games on PS2, the story in the 2nd game was particularly good. The series was still somewhat serious with little craziness as it is known now.



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ITT Jewzach falseflagging, seething about mods and trying to get is way of banning Ramonposting.


Yakuza bros….


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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They even got a retarded e-celebrity to voice the main gook from Yakuza, that faggot had to instadelete everything that criticizes corporations.


Sony made an advertisement a few months ago.
And guess what?

They chose an interracial couple for the ad, a black guy and a white woman.


Just make it up for the other ad that caught flack among lefties for the PSVita, the one where a white girl is grappling a negress' chin.


This is what the nips get for being nihilistic and decadent, and we pay the price, gaming is dead because the majority of nips won't kick the jewsa out of their country. Gaming is dead because the jews can't even allow us to have ine fun thing. Jews are finally doing yo gaming what they did to movies in full.


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That's not true at all. One of you fetal alcohol syndrome babies that mod the place handed out bans of multiple days at a time, repeatedly, when I posted Ramon here. I don't know if it was you, but you *should* be hung from the neck until dead for your role in killing this website regardless by virtue of being a janny. Fuck you.


same energy as doctor breen


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I know this is hard for weebs to understand but if Japan had their way it would be nothing but mobileshit and garbage JRPGs, the few Japanese companies that still make good games are the ones that cater heavily to the west like Capcom. Yakuza is a flimsy button masher that has survived by weaboo goodwill and would be torn to shreds if released by a western studio


Capcom is kikecom now anon. DMC V was the last good game they made, gaming is dead. I an a weeb but I got no bias for the nips they got shit taste and in many ways conform harder than whites do.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Here is one of the newest SEGA ads.
Many Japanese companies are embracing the kike agenda. Crapcom was expected to act very retarded, but it was rather pathetic to see SEGA try to come back in this way.
>DMC V was the last good game they made
I agree 100%, the last time I played a PS4 was when I visited a friend just to play DMC V, GOTY.

I know Jewzach is trying to mud the waters ITT and larping as one of Ramonfags, but in fact months ago a good anon who was very active was complaining about being banned, including trying to reach gahoole on youtube, I believe he has returned because both I and other anons have been calling out some old users.
I don't know who you are, but I've noticed that moderation has improved since then. One of the previous vols was a bit schizo and liked to actively get into arguments with the anons in a rather bizarre way.

The new vol is way more chill, just enjoy posting here, anon. Ramon, Armond White and JBalv won.

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