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File: 1727193178741.png (673.89 KB, 1920x836, 480:209, 1727193044466193.png) ImgOps iqdb


Look like feminism and lgbt are dying.


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>he thinks porn is not synonymous with feminism and gendershit.


This tbh


It's not porn. It's a real movie.


You are a lolicon faggot who spams blacked all the time, just kill yourself, you are gaycel coping hard and trying to make everyone else hate life.


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It probably took OP a while to make that post with his furry palms getting in the way.


Where's the lie, bean man?


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>porn is not synonymous with feminism and gendershit.
Even backed by the fucking CIA, lewd autists are the worst kind of spergs, specially when they refuse to see the harsh reality of their leftwing deranged faggot messiahs.


Based old Amerimutt book pointing out the truth.


I remember I saw soyjak.party anons dox a dozen of these porn artist and they were all disgusting spics/cucks/trannies, et cetera, people beyond saving/redemption.


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The movie is definitely feminist and it's not subtle about it, but it's also one of the best body horror movies in decades. They really go all the way at the end with the effects.


The typical zzzchan faggot.


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>Serves her right,she trusted Big Pharma!


Yeah, I want to be cool like the guy on the bottom. Just look at that dork above him.


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<*Forgets she is one*
<*Doesn't switch for three months*
<*Activates twice*

How could the substance do this…


I trust the system fellow soyim.


Jews are letting up on it a bit. They need to raise the morale of white men a bit in preparation for WWIII


They don't really care about that. What they do care about is money, and they're losing so much of it they now realize they have to pump the breaks. Problem for them is, all the lesbians they've hired in the last decade are true believers that are going to sandbag all these circuses with their lesbianism.


Wrong, jews only use money, but they care more about power and being spiteful faggots.


Wrong. Money is power and when you're losing it hand over fist you have to stop what you're doing because you don't have that usable money to purchase said power.


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This fucking retard thinks the kikes who own every central bank in the world and have been stockpiling all the real wealth over the past 75 years care about losing 0.0001% of their paper fiat portfolio on their propaganda projects!


This fucking retard thinks that the shylocks don't worship money and get don't furiously angry at even thought of losing 0.0001% of their paper fiat money on the diminishing returns of their propaganda projects.


Its true that they seethe about it.


Jews have been building a fortune for thousands of years just so they can buy the culture like they are doing now, and they don't even have to spend real money like gold, just dollars that are printed by jews.
I get what you're saying but I don't think they are that worried about losing money.


They don't care about losing money during times of plenty, absolutely. They can always print more and create stock bubbles when the need arises. But their fiat isn't buying what it once did, and now their dipping into that gold to buy chinks and mud loyalty, all the while paying the cops and beaner zogbots in toilet paper. There was this one time that their toilet paper was worth and meant absolutely nothing and suddenly they found themselves inside neat little summer camps, because that paper couldn't buy the cops and communiggers protection. Yids aren't in the business of losing money, they're in the business of hoarding money and paying anyone around them the least amount possible to do any and all forms of manual labor that they refuse to do. If fiat meant nothing to them, their children wouldn't dive into wishing wells to pick up pennies, and they also wouldn't be adamant about replacing even niggers in the hood with wetbacks for suppressed wages.
two pairs get checked.


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Somethingsomething male gaze. Could this work if that woman's from a different ethnic background?


The amount of faggots and single fat girls idolizing this flick is no joke.


They both want to defy those beauty standards that they claim to be unrealistic. Too bad most people are not attracted to fat and colored queers.


I learned a lot from watching this movie. I'm preparing to give my entire salary to old, slutty women.


The jews aren't known for being cheap am right? They are in civil war with each other at this point over israel.


I've been getting this movie recommended all the time but was specifically told that it needs to be seen on the cinema.
That either means it sucks or they think i am not getting out, which is patently false as they told me when i was getting out with them.

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