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She's jewish. No surprise.


THE WALL comes for us all, brothers.


Ngl, she looks better now than 98% of American women in the wild.


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50 something Liz Hurley looks as supple and fertile as her teenage self.


I honestly have no idea who this person is.


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>supple and fertile
She had some work done on her but overall not bad. Still not as qt as she was 25 years ago.

She was in the first Austin Powers and Bedazzled.


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Currently at 66, Michelle Pffifer aged very well.


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Wall-defying gilf from Passenger 57


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Salsa Hayek aged well desu!


when you don't have anything to do during the day and you decide to spend all your time on your body, good things happen.


liz looks better. Salma is obviously old.


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Monica Belluci in beetlejuice 2 looking good too


Gen X may have been the last generation of really good looking people


That's insane. She's still got it.


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That may be true in the West where we've been invaded by the Turd World but not all hope is lost!


Russia has a churka problem.


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Is it okay to have lustful thoughts over septuagenarian actress who missed the wall?


Please tell me you didn't actually watch this trash.


Are these from a decade ago?


This is true, women being more independent got to be the choosers, and we all know women are shit at picking mates. So what we have now is a lot more taller, but uglier and more sociopathic people.


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>hfw reading this thread


wtf that is some cutting-edge plastic bimbo tech


She was really good during the first seasons of X Files. Then her hair became Karen tier and she started wearing a lot of makeup.


I heard some guy brought her a picture of her feet and she autographed it for him.


There is a Karen hairstyle?

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