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What if John Wick was a girl?


John Wick was a breath of fresh air in modern Hollywood where action movies were a thing of the past.

But they decided to overextend it and turn it into a crappy series.


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Same thing with Kingsman, except worse since John Wick at least got to a trilogy before starting with spin-offs


Only 1 was good anyway
2 and 3 have god awful plots with overextended action scenes.


Did you get to see the show with Mel Gibson? I thought I'd give it a go but ended up ignoring it.


I would say the third film is the weakest and most useless of the four.
The fourth movie is good but I lost it a bit with the nigger guy being nice and supposedly badass, but the blind gook was good.


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>from the director of X-Men: First Class


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Didn't even know it existed, I guess because it's on Peacock. You would think they would market a John Wick TV show heavily


I didn't even watch 4 since 2 and 3 just made my mouth sour.


i remember people are talking about this show back then, but mostly were seethe about Mel Gibson being in it


What if instead of fighting people she just got her pussy out

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