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i just finished watching the season 9 of X-Files together with my wife, we are watching the entire show since 2019
other than the furfag episode in season 10, there's anything worth watching or we should just move on?


Watch Lexx anon. Babylon five and deep space 9 are also fun.


Also, its been a while since I watched x files but I enjoyed the original series, stargate is also fun gun violence.


season 9 sucked so bad
Seasons 1-6 were great
Season 7 was a pathetic choke
Season 8 was an unexpectedly great season
Season 9 was pure shit.
The movie from 2008 was actually decent and is worth watching. It seemed for a moment like the X Files could continue. Seasons 10 and 11 were the worst television I've ever seen. Beyond garbage. Insulting.


For such a cultural hit, it is extremely rare to find any videos reviewing or analyzing X-Files.
The same for so many older shows.
Everyone seems to only be interested in talking about modern slop.

I really got tired and found season 7 weak.
Season 8 was better than 7 and 9.
For me the show was at its best during season 2 to 6, peaking with Seasons 3 and 4.


I'm very slowly watching through Babylon 5. I just finished the episode in season 1 with the dock workers strike. I feel I'm just starting to get into the groove of the show. Is it just me or do the aliens seem much more likeable and human than the human characters. I love the dynamic between reptile man and peacock head.


It might have been the showrunners doing the sterotypical humans bad trope tbh.


>For such a cultural hit, it is extremely rare to find any videos reviewing or analyzing X-Files.
It is pretty strange. I was only a little kid when it was at its peak, but I still remember how huge it was.


Jewtubers literally only care about outrage of new shit or being commie faggots.


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I also recommend Babylon 5 as it is a legitimate good show. The last season is a bit weak, but you can't blame the writers 100% on it. The show originally was supposed to have 5 seasons, so they wrote for 5 seasons, but as they were working on season 4 the network told them that this would be their last season, so they cramped the story line from season 4 & 5 into 4, making some events a bit rushed but still enjoyable. After season 4 ended, they got another season from the network, but all the plot lines had already been solved, so they had to invent something new just for that one season. It's not bad, and it's still worth watching, it's just not as good as the previous seasons.
Another good show that I highly recommend is Farscape. Whereas in Babylon 5 most of the action takes place on one space station, here it's about a crew of escaped convicts going from planet to planet getting involved in all sorts of wild adventures. The main character, John Crichton is a NASA astronaut from our era that got caught in a wormhole and teleported into a different part of the galaxy where nobody knows what the fuck frell a human is, and he ends up on board the ship of escaped convicts. Quite early in season 1 he meets some fourth dimensional aliens that implant the knowledge of wormhole technology in his brain so that he can return home, but that also means that every single large faction in that part of the Galaxy wants that information, are hunting him down, and destroying his mind in the process. It's quite fun to see Crichton slowly loosing his mind, as he desperately attempts to return home. Another part of the show, that I enjoyed though I could see how people could call it "reddit humor" is that because he is the only one who knows anything about Earth culture, he will make all sorts of references, knowing that only he and the audience gets the joke. At one point, he needs to distract some aliens, so he asks him if they have ever heard of Key Ef Ce? That he knows all the eleven secret ingredients, and that unique information is valuable, of course the aliens think he is talking about some weapon, not chicken.


Schindler's List


There's a guy making X-Files videos in recent weeks but he blames everything at Trump and puts random pictures of Trump during his videos.


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Reposting one of the all-time best Power Rangers clips.


the magma chud


Prime is removing X-Files in the next few hours where I live.

My gf and I are just re-watching some funny episodes wrote by Darin Morgan, both he and his brother would have had massive careers if they had been Jewish. Again, talent is not the main reason for having a career, but Jewish nepotism.


agreed with the yid shit, brian cranston got his career going because hes a 4th jewish and breaking bad happened because of muh neon natzee ep that bravo giligan made.

Also reminder to simply torrent the rest of the x-files.


>i gotta hurry up and watch it before I lose it!
you own nothing and are unhappy


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Y'all are weirdo clowns and on the wrong side of history.


Do you have a girlfriend?


>I'm not an incel virgin
>I'm an edgy cyber pirate!


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I knew. I baited you, my seething gaycelolcow.


>I posted it again!
You need a hard drive check.


I sincerely hope you get beaten to death.


>reported 6 hours ago
Vols taking the day off?



He posted that interracial CP clip again.


X-files in today's landscape is (((dangerous))) in the sense that the whole idea promotes the viewer to think, even if its still a dumb and fun tv show, I think this is why we hear less about it today and less energy is thrown towards it.



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>X-files in today's landscape


I was talking about old X files anon.


Season 10 and 11 isn't canon.

Remember their plot about the vax and MK Ultra.


It's a show from an era that doesn't fit in with today landscape, they were never going to be partial or really come close to dealing with objectivity.
Remember an episode where they made a golem killing "neo-nazis"?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This dude has become one of my favorites channels on jewtube.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I don't know if it's late 90s and early 2000s nostalgia kicking in, but we're finally getting more channels talking about Stargate, Babylon 5, X Files and Farscape.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I also really like this guy's channel, for a Canadian he is far from being a cuck or pretentious faggot.


Yeah I member, natzees owned!


He posted the video about that episode today, I haven't watched it yet, but he must have contained his power level since he is generally quite based.


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EVIL is kino and scratching my X-Files itch, very solid with only a few shit episodes


Thanks for the recommendation, what else can you say about the show? And have you watched Grimm?


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>Thanks for the recommendation, what else can you say about the show?
It's X-Files but with demons. Same believer/skeptic dynamic but with religion instead of aliens. The MOTW episodes are interesting like X-Files, not just same shit every episode, with some lighthearted and some darker episodes, again like X-Files. The overarching story is messy and you can tell they didn't plan it all out but it is interesting at least and Michael Townsend is a fun antagonist. There is some lib cringe but it's more restrained than a lot of procedurals and mostly contained to a few episodes.

>And have you watched Grimm?

No, is it good?


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>White woman & subhuman nigger fall in love the show



Isn't that the 8chan = bad show? The incel army?


Jose Chung's From Outer Space is a massive TRUTHBOMB and truly redpilled.

That's why they always tried to pretend it was just random comedy.

Beware of the lava men!


it just got too creepy for me, there's proper demonology shit in it that they don't really explain or balance
and all the reviews are kinda right in that it just doesn't need the screeching kids. These days I just wanna avoid anything that's going to be needlessly depressing, this show maybe isn't that but I still don't like some premise where I have to watch evil win for 80 episodes and then there's like maybe 2 good ones at the end. It's actually the real reason why I won't even bother with rings of power for season 2, I don't wanna see what sauron is doing, it just ruins it for me.


amazon seems to have this problem overall
I totally bailed on outer range season 2 because it just looked like it was gonna be prepressing garbage, just right off the bat
these people have no idea how to make a show


I recently went through watching the star wars tv shows again, mandalorian 1 to 3, andor, ahsoka, boba. They all seem pretty good overall.
UFO cowboys is good low budget insanity.
The Ark is watchable.
Not much else going on lately


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Ben Garrison episode IS out


Shit show and rings of power is shit as well!


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That's a demon trying to tempt David

>Isn't that the 8chan = bad show? The incel army?
Yes, that scene is less ridiculous in context though because it's a satanist baiting a teenager into committing a crime

>it just got too creepy for me, there's proper demonology shit in it that they don't really explain or balance
Eh, I think the show is has a good amount of comic relief, and personally I like how creepy/dark the show gets, most procedurals are made for daytime reruns so nothing gritty happens even in police dramas


Let's be honest. Niggers and Asian women have destroyed sci-fi more than the kikes.


Let's be honest. Your parents have given up on you


can never have enough asian women in any genre


Explain why you are acting so disrespectfully towards the anon.


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Because just like every thread on this site stormfags have to talk about their white victim gospel and no matter how tenuous the connection is they will bring it up over and over and over just like every other autist who can't carry a conversation


>unironically calling people stormfags

It sure is the bush years again anons


So I was right, you got butthurt because they talked about the kikes.


Solid larping as a faggot redditor, good trolling too.


Let's hear your case explaining how he's wrong. I genuinely want to see if you have any solid arguments or if you're just whining over wrongthink.


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Even if we ignore how prevalent Jews are in fiction literature as a whole both as writers and editors, despite some rare good writers, the majority are just sloppy writers who for whatever reason prefer to focus on children's literature (R. L. Stine for example) and in general have caused damage to various genres of fiction, apart from academia.
The fact is that Asian women are the bane of modern literature, any anon who actually have literature as a hobby knows that. Some are only writing out of spite.


Its always seething about chad before fucking him and cucking stacy fantasy for these annyoing asian women. Makes me miss twilight unironically.


Is this the one whose Red Ranger murdered a couple of geezers? Or the other Red Ranger convicted for murder?


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New episode is out

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