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File: 1727628279709.jpg (57.48 KB, 594x483, 198:161, 1727627672078857.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


The 00's was such a strange era. Doesn't even feel real anymore, like it was some kind of fever dream.


>niggers and blondes mixing was like a fever dream!!


Yakuza thread. Seethe about it, he won. Sage negated.


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It's my dream if you know what I'm saying!


Oh yeah and the guy from Home Extreme Makeover got fucking stabbed and died, these figures from the early 2000s are dropping like flies.


It sucked ass.


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Yakuza is just depressed and feeling wasted, he is reaching his 50s very soon so he wants to fall for nostalgiafapping.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
2000s were the last time White music was predominant in the culture, so there's that.


Not only that, but it was the last time music was made for and catered to men.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Even Sacha Baron went irrelevant, not even his movie shitting on Dup resuscitated his glorious days.


I love this dude, he is living proof that Jews are superior to us and have the right to use us as slaves.


Supposedly there's a bunch of sex tapes of girls he had sex with without them knowing about it he made one of with this really really famous white girl


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File: 1728672904221-1.mp4 (15.03 MB, 320x240, 4:3, chadwardenn - Why PS3 is b….mp4) ImgOps iqdb



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It was the era where I had the best fashion. Quality sunglasses, several good pairs of sneakers, cool shirts and pants, etc.
Several tomboys as friends.
I even participated in radio programs.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More 2000s nostalgiafagging


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Douge was ahead of the curb


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File: 1729130079348.jpg (120.91 KB, 752x962, 376:481, Doug Dabbing on Darkies.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Nah its the Nostalgia Critic, and he remembers it so you don't have to.


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Well, modernity is pretty wack in as well.
I guess I'm just numb



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