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File: 1727629103115.webm (781.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, yakuza.webm) ImgOps iqdb


I can't reverse it. After so many years of anime i will NEVER have kids or interact with women even (outside of business).
Anime girls are pure, fun, do not age and… AND their IQ is higher than 15 points. I have never met in my life a smart wom*n. They do not exist irl. Only in anime. So anime only life it is then.
Also i had sex with around 50 hookers. It was all boring and pointless. After copulation there is always the same thought - "why i even here?"
Fuck that. Kids are a meme too. Men make them to fill the void in their soul - to not to be alone (because wom*n can't do that too lmao). Anime does the same thing far better and actually make you feel comfy and happy and elevates your soul.
I wonder if Heaven after death is in anime art style? That would be perfect.


You have basically become what the jews want OP.


File: 1727629402454.webm (3 MB, 1154x650, 577:325, life.webm) ImgOps iqdb

What about the dead world theory ?
I was just thinking about that last night when I saw this old commercial on american tv and thought wow most of these people are probably dead right now because it looked like it was filmed in 2009.


Plenty are probably still alive, it was from the 80s or 90s about half could be dead now. The internet made people insane, anime girls need to be your light that keeps you going like they do for me, not something to make you give up on life.


And I think the dead society theory as extension of the dead internet theory is real.



File: 1727630526064.jpg (57.48 KB, 594x483, 198:161, 1727627672078857.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Internet is dead as fuck. Probably all ai after 1999.


You're pretty much right. Women are terrible, worse even the tranime. I would watch all the autistic jap cartoons before dealing with a woman again.
Tranime > Women


As a jew, I love this thread, Yakuza is my strongest soldier.


none of those white girls fucked any of those niggers despite what pajeet and kikes will say.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
P. Diddler likes his White girls a little bit younger.


File: 1727649011807.mp4 (11.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Caligula Episode 1 - Naruk….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

2D > 3D


reminder that despite the 1-3 interracial fetishist on this site, Europeans, both men and women are the ones with the lowest likely probability of race-mixing. All of Louies fantasies can still be real in your head but even with 24/7 constant kike propaganda they aren't real.
yep and that is the point, its an idealization, something to always strive for even if you cannot achieve it.


>1-3 interracial fetishist on this site
There's Nuzach who is some kind of gaycel, Yakuza always posting shit like OP and some guy who really loves to Louisposting.
Women and girls in cucknime are getting really annoying in recent times, they are all smart and badass, not much different from western shit.


I'm Louis CK and I most certainly do NOT approve of this message.


>Europeans, both men and women are the ones with the lowest likely probability of race-mixing.
This is true with the caveat there aren't too many groids around. The more groids you have in a community, the more mudsharks there will be. White women can't resist the kike programming. They see black males being put on a pedestal as the cool alpha males, and they want to be a part of that world.


Louisposting is based


>The more groids you have in a community, the more mudsharks there will be. White women can't resist the kike programming. They see black males being put on a pedestal as the cool alpha males, and they want to be a part of that world.
It still isn't as common as you would try to make it out to be, I'm aware that there is a number of white woman that sadly race-mix but its still lower than any other race.


Louis is crying when you post that, anon. Pls. I don't think his old heart can take it.

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