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Every single nigger is down low. Every single one.


Getting big in entertainment business means you take it up the ass, just ask P Diddy and Dr Dre.


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He's aged pretty well considering Lethal Weapon is well over 30 years old now.


Nigs have a 10 lust and a 0 in shame, so they'll fuck other men. Glover talking about his sexuality is just his rationalization of his monkey desires.


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It's white slave owners fault


who do you think has sucked more dick diddy or dr dre..


All browns, blacks and asians are natural homosexuals.


Nuzach and Yakuza btfo'd.


Despite being so gay they sure do a good job of having heterosexual sex to reproduce billions of them unlike white people. White people are the ones who push trannyfag agendas and take it up the most.



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>White people


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>conflating Baphomet and Satanism with Judaism


Are you the resident Satanist here to fact-check?


Saturn and Baphoment may not have started as satanist figures but they certainly became them.


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It's retarded and undermines any point it's trying to make. The pearl clutching over Satanism implies that Jews are bad because they don't really worship Yahweh. They're actually followers of his archenemy, the dark lord Satan. Yeah, that's it!

People who think that way thump their chests about how they've overcome their Jewish cultural programming while still being caught up in a fundamentally Semitic worldview. The solution is to reject Semitism altogether and not waste time and effort trying to rehabilitate it. Not only would it likely not prove fruitful, but the Abrahamic religions are spiritually moribund in the first place. I also tend to believe that Christianity among intelligent whites in the future is going to be more heterodox and less theologically conservative than the Bible thumpers of the 20th century. I can see science over the next few decades opening up a big can of "woo" that challenges traditional Christian dogma and leading to Christians to reexamine their conception of life and the universe. A conservative Christian believing in aliens would typically have raised eyebrows (or worse) 20 years ago, yet you have Tim Burchett in Tennessee trying to tie the UFO phenomenon to the Book of Ezekiel. Usually if they acknowledged that there might be something there at all they would just say they're demons. Even the Vatican has brought up the possibility of alien life. Why not take the process to its logical conclusion and reject the entire Jewish mythos, from Adam to Avram to Yeshua? There are getting to be fewer and fewer people devoted to the Bible, although people seem to be oddly fond of Jesus no matter their own religious background.

Anton LaVey was a complete bastard judging from what Zeena Schreck had to say about his character, but I don't think his philosophy was completely without merit and am not against the use of Satanic imagery as a symbol of defiance (although I understand it's normalfag repellent and not good in terms of political optics). Still, I don't think I would qualify as left-hand path (per Stephen Flowers' definition in pic related) and don't believe that Satanism provides a solid philosophical basis for altruism and community building. It's more of a way station Weltanschauung than anything. I'm sympathetic to Nietzschean, egoist, and Satanic thought, but I think they're incomplete systems. LaVey himself realized at one point that it was really difficult to get Satanists to come together, not that fostering cooperation seemed to something he cared about. Beyond what it could get him, that is.

Regardless, pinning the blame for our cultural problems on Satanism is a complete red herring.

The fascist imagery appreciator, eugenics supporter, and robowaifu advocate that was Anton LaVey would also hate the kind of "people" who call themselves Satanists nowadays.


I agree with most of what you say anon, maybe all of it, pretty sure LaVey was a Jew so take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Rejection of the Jewish Mythos is the only way forward in the future, even if I probably envision a more different solution than you do.




I tried to think of a movie I've seen this nigger in and nothing comes to mind. Every single nigger looks the same to me.


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>Sorry ass nigger


Folk religions are the best way to fight Judaism.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Not really thats from the structure of islam and life being worthless is very present among blacks, but still having a 1/4 of the black population being gay is a losing game for them. R theory Vs. K theory White people take of their kids and their White kids are statistically guaranteed to do better and White men are just more powerful genetically. While black kids are getting aborted and die before 18 often. Most trannys are black, brown and asian. blacks have a entire cultural tribes thats been present in their african culture to have trannys west african schools have days centered around young boys dressing as girls. Then you have asians like the bushido culture, eunuchs of china and thai ladyboys. Then you have servant sexual boys found in all brown cultures. Face it blacks are always and will be homosexuals along with browns and asians who has homosexuality woven in to black, brown and asian peoples genetics and culture far before lgbt squads in the West.


diddy has always looked like a faggot so I bet he sucked dick well before becoming famous.


Agreed, only way to fight the yids depressing worldview is the opposite.


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it was already explained by visionary author and documentarian Tariq Nasheed


Yeah, that looks like something Mike Cernovich would do.

Jesus you can see the nig's mustache, they're not great at this


Correct. And Hollywood executives love black dick and ass.


Based emojitroon


Jesus fucking christ that does look exactly like Cernovich, god damn


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>pretty sure LaVey was a Jew so take anything he says with a grain of salt.
He was, but he was also unusual for a Jew. He used to play the "Horst Wessel Lied" on his organ for visitors. A. Wyatt Mann even worked professionally with him, although I don't know if they were genuine friends.
>even if I probably envision a more different solution than you do.
What solution are you thinking of?
You mean vernacular forms of religion or religions specific to certain ethnic groups? I can definitely see the reasoning in both. For the former, I dislike centralized organization and the tendency to rigidly push a specific set of doctrines on adherents from on high. As for the latter, I agree but would prefer something more philosophically rigorous than the Grug-brained variety of paganism that Imperium Press pushes. Maybe what I'm after could actually be considered a meta-religion, where some basic propositions would be agreed upon and followers could organize themselves how they want. There could be pagan reconstructionists, unorthodox Christians, non-materialist atheists (see pic related; it's not impossible), the less fruity New Thought or "New Age" proponents, and others forming their own exclusive communities yet cooperating across them. With religion and spirituality becoming increasingly individualized pursuits, having separate communities might not even be necessary as long as everyone's on the same page about who can be allowed in and any potential behaviors that aren't accepted.

I think the death of the nation state is likely due to globalization, and we need a belief system that is based on the pursuit of truth over superstition, doesn't demonize white in-group preference, and is resistant to autistic purity spiraling over "heresy." If we can't bring back pro-white policies and put the kibosh on non-white immigration, then we should be trying to think and act tribally and let unrepentant leftists get thrown to the wolves.

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