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File: 1727814419020.jpg (82.04 KB, 720x889, 720:889, miss fake and gay.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Is there a more fake and gay story line of whores not being gold diggers? In real life she would have never married Will. She wouldn't even look twice at him.


This is a feminist film. Feminism is based on denying reality, all reality.

In this case marrying the lower class chud is "empowering." It also submits a pseudo socialist message BUT with the woman in the revolution's driver seat.

Feminism orientation everything around women as the "active" force, not the passive/receiving. It is literally penis envy.


He was younger and more handsome so she was just thinking with her clit. Not too unbelieveable.


Jack is the only decent part if the film, Barbossa as well I guess. Honestly was okay with kira and orlando's characters and still am, until I thought about it like that.


There lots of women who do things like that, but they're rarely part of society's elites. Trailer parks are full of them.


File: 1727848715871.jpeg (21.24 KB, 672x456, 28:19, mako.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

In japan royalty, their women have to give up their royal status in order to marry a commoner. A few years ago a princess Mako relinqueshed her royal status so that she could marry a commoner. It's happened a few times in the past as well.


Ugly gooks


File: 1727849959053.jpg (88.02 KB, 1200x692, 300:173, EWkUMS_WsAIGCgT.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Wow, you must be a real blast at parties..


not possible, especially for the day. she grew up rich you think she would have given all that up to marry a blacksmith?

wow nice meme faggot


Reddit b8 response.



I am so sick and tired of hearing women talk. It should be illegal for women to look men in the eyes unless commanded.


Go to afghanistan then

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