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If predictive programming is real, what's even the point? Why forecast what you're planning to do in movies and tv shows? Why put esoteric 9/11 references into children's cartoons that no one is even going to notice unless they decide to slowly comb through it frame by frame for some reason?


(They) get a kick out of it. Plus it helps assuage any guilt afterward. We told them what we were planning and they didn't even try to stop us so they deserve it! A secondary factor is if anything ever leaks about their plans and or direct actions it looks like some crazy person just describing a movie they saw once.


But what about the supposed references that are so cryptic, they don't even make sense until after the event occurs? Like the one people claim is in Back to the Future, where there are two pine trees and Marty McFly crashes into one of them. Nobody in the audience was going to interpret that as having anything to do with the Twin Towers being destroyed a decade and a half later.



Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but remember the first terrorist attack on the WTC was in 1993 so maybe they were planning it back in the mid 80's. But those buildings were tough and needed a lot more than even one 1,300 pound bomb in the parking garage to take down.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
There's predictive programming about 9/11 going back to the '70s, but Back to the Future takes the cake.

Marty McFly says, "You'll find out in 30 years," and that is exactly when this video was released on YouTube, 30 years after the movie.


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Sometimes they telegraph plans that have already occurred.

There's an important plot point in the new Beetlejuice Beetlejuice which is an allusion to the COVID project. The character Delia Deetz brings twin snakes to Charles' grave to do some kind of ritual, this is an allusion to the Caduceus, which was a staff intertwined with twin snakes, carried by the Greek god Hermes, which would bring the dead back to life. You may recognize it as the symbol of medicine. Delia is bitten by these snakes and gets sent to the Netherworld, and is pissed off that she's dead, because she was swindled into believing that the snakes had their venom removed. Basically, they're telling us that the vaxx was a big scam.


The jews and satanist believe it absolves them of karmic retribution by telling you ahead of time cryptically. But narcissistic psychopaths also have a tendency to brag just like a serial killer leaving clues for police.


Interesting. They also said the after life is on mimas or the death star of Saturn.


Its real but its not all-powerful, the NWO doesn't literally have the world as a fake world stage, but it stages a lot of shit.


people don't actually like to keep secrets, it's the same reason why so many serial killers will intentionally leave clues and calling cards like >>341519 says
there are also some people who say there is some kind of satanic religion involved that requires them to do it


>he couldn't resist posting black dicks again and got banned

Loving Every Laugh


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I revised my post and he was replying to the deleted one. Why do you automatically think of black dick?


I am an american, it is in my national DNA. I am programmed from birth. Why get mad at a man for following his nature? All true sons of liberty (tm) do this. Washington crossed the Delaware to cruise for BBC


Just muttoid things


Attention whores do seem to keep a lot of skeletons in their closet. It does make me wonder if nuzach is actually a serial killer.

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