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File: 1727851589077.png (49.29 KB, 181x197, 181:197, chad ramon.png) ImgOps iqdb


>no bluray on amazon
>no torrent

What's going on ?


File: 1727853035555.gif (1.06 MB, 254x254, 1:1, e0b54eb4ab164bbcc3f2f3957e….gif) ImgOps iqdb

They're holding back its release because of you. It's your fault.


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I downloaded it three weeks ago… after passing on it for several days (it sucks and the sound stage forest looks extra fake in 4K).


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>66 gb

People still don't use avif codec ?


I wish Nintendo would use a voluptuous model for Samus like this, but you can't offend the chestlets.


File: 1727965288622.jpg (1.22 MB, 800x2685, 160:537, Metroid's least retarded f….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

They should come up with more ways to sodomize Samus if they want their mediocre series to be relevant, pretty sad how Animal Crossing became the third main selling franchise.


>pretty sad how Animal Crossing became the third main selling franchise
They did a great job on the new Animal Crossing, though. Personally, I've outgrown that type of game, but it's wonderful for children.


is this fag still missing?


Based Bezos and Eastern euro pirates saving you from slasherslop


God I remember this faggot, the prime games were awesome, other M was literally the first of many rapes of nintendo franchises by the retarded and pretentious nips themselves.
Isn't she already a oh wait shes aryan and hot, so they got to make her somehow more vulnerable or some shit, the og director of metroid was seething at the prime series, made by americans for stealing his thunder so he ended up making this dumb jap shit instead. This is literally a repeat of the butthurt sonic director ruining sonic x-treme because he didn't want gaijin or anyone else touching his baby and it ended up long-term costing sega everything.



Metroid was never big outside Japan until the Prime series. Super Metroid piggybacked on Prime's success to become a cult favourite.


yeah but as usual its one of those cases of a butthurt jap ruining an entire franchise by ironically westernizing kojewma fashion it simply because shockingly, decent western devs appealed more to western audiences than japanese devs. Its not like prime wasn't successful in japan as well. You see this a lot in nippon, they are selectively racist and don't want gaijin to have any influence in their industries, so much so that they will kill the whole thing to prevent a gaijin from having it, even if it would be better for them in the long run. Just see Pride FC as an example, a good MMA-distro ruined by dumb yakuza and killed by dumb yakuza.

The nips, however, seem to bat an eye when the chosen peoples shell companies like warner brothers exert major control. Modern Japanese nationalism consist of being loyal to soulless corporations that work for jews, its kind of like the (((racism))) that jews encouraged americans to have towards the japs during WWII even though it was America who forced japan to attack them because of the embargo, which the jews of course influenced into being put into place.

Like I said before Sega refused to listen to their western branch and they killed their entire company, ironically sega started out as an american company started by 2 yids and a goy but a lot of people forget that.


Has he done any new scenes with straight actual biological teen (18 order) girls recently?


>18 or older


Do you have any idea of how pathetic this sounds?
Go fuck the actual 18 year old biological straight teen girl yourself instead of jerking it to some 60 year old Jew owned nigger mongrel with tranny shit on his dick.


I don't know whether you're trying to have a go at me or give me some actual helpful advice




How about you just kys lol?


How about you get out of your mum's basement cut your hair have a shave get a job and get a fucking life you might get to have sex for the first time in your life


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What about I take off your virgin BWC and suck off it, hahaha, that would make you gay!!!


Nuzach's gay arc begins.

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