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Joker 2 contains a scene where male black prison guards strip Arthur Fleck naked and sodomize him at least three different times, with one of the times resulting in him ejaculating from the penetration.


I wasn't going to see it anyhow. The first one was stupid, and this one just looks plain gay.


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>Giving Hollywood money post 2020 for ANY reason whatsoever

Just waiting for some AI gods to come along and start making some real kino!


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for some reason it is a musical and all the songs suck so fuck this shit


I don't know about that shit, but I hear that the end the movie by having him murdered by "the real Joker". Somehow they take all the expectations of it being a shit movie, and surpassed them into the abyss. It's Matrix 4 all over again.


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The first film was an event, a middle finger to capeshitters, journalists and leftist faggots. The last time I cared about going to a movie theater. I went with my fiancée (now wife) because I thought it made it all the funnier, a final mockery of all the browncels and dirty feminists seething and coping about "muh White INCELS!!!"

But I never had any interest in the second flick, it always seemed like a stupid idea and in a way I'm glad it failed. The director and everyone else were unable to understand why the first film was such a phenomenon.
I only I want to hear what cope about the failure.


You can pretend your wife is harley quinn now haha


Eventually people will say it is misunderstood and is actually good


I think they will blame the white men as usual.


bbcamenko laying down the law


Inclusion of women ruin everything


Absolute fucking kino, I bow down to my AI masters!


Read the supposed ending and it's really lame, this movie does hate you for liking the first one.

I hear the same. Won't be surprised if people are outraged.


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From the guy who watched Martin Scorsese
Comes the hacky awardsbaiting sequel to capeshit but serious
This fall - Joker 2: Fumble a Doo Doo


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>Lady Gaga was not born the way some speculated years ago, and now she's reflecting on her careful response to those dated rumors.

>In an appearance on Netflix's "What's Next? The Future with Bill Gates," Gaga addressed suggestions while she was rising to stardom that she was either a man or intersex.


If this movie doesn't make it clear to normalfags that Hollywood is no longer about making money off of its slop, but purely about mass gaslighting, then they're even more retarded than I thought. Even the first movie was actually not that good in hindsight - 20/20 and all that but you got to consider the context. It was meant to encourage incels to spill their spaghetti and they certainly did so en masse because they felt vindicated by an "onscreen representation".


>It was meant to encourage incels to spill their spaghetti and they certainly did so en masse
I don't understand what you're trying to say.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Failed normalfag gen x incel and his hot take about the flick.


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Post yfw Venom 3 will be the better capeshit of the month


I honestly hope they bring Ramon back as Super Ramon.


This time Ramon takes on Israel with the unexpected help of Zyklon Ben.


The first film was the jews letting you know they know you know.


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Is about time to Ben draw a Super Ramon comic. Would be the end to DC and Marvel.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>whoa I had no idea they would take something and make a shit sequel to it in 2024
>there's no way they'd take the joker, add 'lady' blahblah and turn it into some kinda shitty musical in 2024
why not just put diddy in it for a proper laugh


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to save the comic industry


I will never see this movie. Not even ironically.


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Post the scene!!


It was white on white, Louis…


>prison raped by whites

>in weimart

Does that even happen?


There has always been a lot of rapist homo prison guards. Prison does something to people, no matter which side of the bars you're on. Turns people gay. And rape is the ultimate power trip for the type of people who already desire to have power over others.


You seem to know much about the gay.


I had a friend who was in prison so much when he got out he started swinging both ways. He was the type of guy you'd least expect.


To be gay you must enjoy shit. Only true degenerates like shit. Just smelling my own shit when taking a dump makes me want to vomit.

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