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Joker was always a jewish op.


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How Gahoole predicted Joker 2 ?


Is it any surprise they kike'd this film? Incels have grown too powerful.


Incels are kike tools just like trannies, feminists and niggers.


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Joker 2 was actually good. Todd Phillips apologized for nothing. The audience is too stupid to appreciate good art.
Herp derp


nah, he's right and you just don't want to admit it


Admit what?


>a hapa wrote this


I saw a guy who is really redpilled and he was claiming that everything wrong in this movie was on purpose to screw with the studio. I doubt it.


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Why do people hate Joker 2? Todd could never let Fleck keep on winning given the Global Incel Panic of 2019 when Joker 1 released. I shit you not, there were pigs in the theater in my city and they were sizing me up when I went in and came out of the movie. Every law enforcement agency in the country was on high alert. Todd had to kill Fleck.

So, if that was inevitable, and it was, does Todd apologize? Is Fleck dying an apology or a "fuck you" to the incels? I say no. Fleck dies because HE apologized for being the Joker, i.e. for being an incel AND TODD KILLED HIM FOR IT. Who kills him? Fucking Heath Ledger maximum fucking OG real ass incel Joker.

Does Joker 2 depict people as good and apologize for saying everyone was awful in 1? NO. Everyone is still shit. His mother was shit. Puddles was shit. His prison guard nanny is shit. Harvey Dent is a smug prick, and half his face gets blown off! The black woman who was nice to him turns on him. Everyone still sucks!

Todd doubled down on glorifying the incels. He is 100% our guy. He didn't apologize for shit.


I still won't watch a gay musical


The movie is a jewish psywar but keep thinking a movie where a white robot getting raped and murdered is in fact based.


/pol/tard detected.


Got anything to elaborate on it? Do you seriously think a film made by jews with a half-jew as the lead role that is constantly encouraged on without censorship has nothing to do with the kikes? I rest my case.


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kike detected.


You're never going to take back your countries. No one with means and power likes you, they all despise you. Whites will never rise up or wake up, certainly not white women. You are on the bottom rung of every social ladder and being pushed out so universally means you'll never be able to reproduce.
It's over, dude. Take your entertainment where you can get it. If Todd Phillips wants to create a movie with a white guy burning down this gay society and then getting crucified for it before the canonical Joker unleashes hell, great. I'll take that. You can keep on purity spiraling in the delusion that Hitler will come back one day and kill every non whites and give us back the planet we once owned.


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That's one the wrong way of looking at it.


Since we have so many newfaggots who probably aren't even zoomers but gen A, the US military set every law enforcement agency in the country on alert for an violent incel revolution back in 2019 lmao


is this the one where he stops being an incel then dies immediately


>Whites will never rise up or wake up, certainly not white women.
Have you been living under a rock for the past year?


Its the same demoralization shill thats been here for months, he literally posts the same thing over and over again.
<Eren g-give up
Fuck off (((Reiner))). Were not giving up, never, ever.


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>whites will win!
It's too late bud, put a smile on your face.


Actually yeah we will win, anyone with a brain will win, I'm not gonna keep my brain into the electric jew narrative that "joker" is based.


people were still psyched about the 2012 movie theater shooting though


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>Whites will never rise up or wake up, certainly not white women.
>It's too late bud, put a smile on your face.




These memes are really making some subhuman seethe lmao.



I wonder who is behind these posts.


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Da joooos, obviously.


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Guess his death didn't make more cents than his life.


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Joker 2 may eventually break even.

Biggest capesoy flop would be The Crow remake, and rightfully so.


There just aren't enough young White men left with purchasing power to go to the movies.

That's why they tried something different with Joker 2, made it a faggy musical so the women would go. I don't know what they were thinking making The Crow a WMBW interracial thing, there's very few oil drillers out there who'd be into that sort of thing.


Well most of us are tired of being told to kill ourselves.


Heard it needs $450 million to break even. The original movie had a budget of about $50 million but this one is about $170 million. What the hell did they do to blow up the budget that much?


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The age of white men in cinema is over, no one cares about you.


Half the budget was Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gayguy.


<and that's a good thing


>checkmate bigot


>Make purposely bad movies with terrible white male leads
<everyone must be tired of white male leads


It's a kike.


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>The other pozzed films flopped but Joker 2 getting shit on is what only matters.

Couldn't the director make just another Batman villain movie based on his fecal friends when he was leeching on GG Allin's fame?

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