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Why does everyone like him so much? He's a pretentious hack.


Because he gives a mean blowjob


Honestly, for all the pretentious faggots praising him, nobody actually says "Nolan is my fav director!"


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Reddit subhumans do.


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Christopher Nolan remakes Dr. Strangelove for today's moral idiots.

By Armond White

On the way to turning pop cinema into a weapon of mass destruction, Christopher Nolan specialized in narratives about amoral excitation - Memento, and his Batman Begins / The Dark Knight / The Dark Knight Rises trilogy. These bad productions changed movie culture by appealing to the terrors of naïve film nerds the same way Stanley Kubrick corrupted adolescent pop-culture devotees - through technological preening that made geeks feel smart.

There's always a moral vacancy in Nolan's films. Now, Nolan has made his ultimate geeks' movie: the overhyped biopic Oppenheimer, which mystifies physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (played by the eccentric, intense Irish actor Cillian Murphy), credited for creating the atomic bomb that the U.S. dropped on Japan in 1945 to end World War II. This is Nolan's subversive remake of Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, from 1964. The real-life basis of Nolan's film is all the more enticing for kids who know nothing about military or scientific history. He introduces them to Oppenheimer in the same way that Marvel distorted Oppenheimer's wizardry in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. And surely Nolan is aware of how Zack Snyder's Watchmen used Oppenheimer's oft-repeated quote - "Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds." It came from the Bhagavad Gita, a Sanskrit epic that polymath Oppenheimer knew, but the proclamation now teases pop-culture nihilists - and that's the purpose behind Nolan's Oppenheimer.

Not since David Fincher's serial-killer epic Zodiac has there been a crime procedural as plodding as Oppenheimer, even though Nolan constantly switches to black-and-white flashbacks of the scientist's early academic years, his wartime bomb research on the Manhattan Project, and his post-war persecution by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Murphy is outfitted in a wide fedora, and his imperious manner makes him seem half-hero, half-nemesis. Nolan lacks the momentum to dramatize Oppenheimer's travails (Murphy's blue eyes do all the work), but the precarious portrait of a genius recalls Fincher's worship of Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network. Both Nolan and Fincher exploit the zeitgeist's disinterest in what's moral or immoral. This film dithers for three hours, as if viewers were also morally uncertain and aesthetically gullible.

Kubrick himself might have envied Nolan's ability to inspire Gen X mass murderers (as in the first screenings in Aurora, Colo., of The Dark Knight Rises) and flatter Gen Z's political ignorance. Nolan outdoes Kubrick's never-realized Napoleon biopic by aligning himself with Oppenheimer, a historical figure ambiguous enough to make into an icon for the era of venal opportunism. Oppenheimer opens exactly at the moment when we have lost faith in culture and politics - the perfect time for the British Nolan to assert his trendy nihilism and his antipathy toward America. That's what regime-media reviewers are raving about. They finally have a big-budget epic that replicates Millennial self-destruction - not the only recent film to celebrate Armageddon.

Back in 1968, Heinar Kipphardt's Broadway drama In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer was praised by the New York Times as "a play of real ideas posing questions about moral relativism, the limits of vigilance and human decency." In the second half of Oppenheimer, Nolan sends his protagonist through the wringer of political harassment, evoking the atrocity of the January 6 show trials, but Nolan is more sympathetic to the victim. (Murphy and Robert Downey Jr., the latter playing AEC chairman Lewis Strauss, animate the tension between hunter and prey.)

Kipphardt's twist on the word "matter" addressed the ethics of creating a weapon of death through nuclear fission, but Nolan distracts from this by going into the weeds of Oppenheimer's biography, using the political downfall to avoid moral scrutiny. It's a bizarre extension of Heath Ledger's grandstanding as the Joker in The Dark Knight - a carny trick given cinematic gloss. Film nerds may be impressed, but it's simply more of Nolan's ethical confusion, proof of the sheer moral idiocy he has inculcated in the Millennial audience.

Building slowly to the atom-bomb spectacle, blending the Trinity test site at Los Alamos with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, Nolan recapitulates the abominable terrorist stunts of his Batman movies. Inception, Interstellar, and Tenet were training films for Millennial insensitivity. The horror and sorrow that John Hersey commemorated in his 1946 survivor's memoir Hiroshima - a prime influence on the Cold War/Ban the Bomb movements - is a thing of the past.

Nolan's insistence on 70mm IMAX presentation literalizes Serious Subject Importance (as in his insipid Dunkirk). His abstract bomb imagery is fake "art," less powerful, less poetic, and less meaningful than the atomic bomb Spielberg envisioned in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. But because Nolan's politics are always obscure, it's good that his filmmaking is so slick, yet laborious, convoluted, and enervating. Otherwise, a perverse amoral epic like Oppenheimer might be dangerous. It's another piece of inscrutable pseudo-art to be left on the remainder shelf next to Criterion's edition of Paul Schrader's Mishima.


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Ofc they do.

Based Armond White poster.


This guy has always hated film nerds of all stripes with a passion and I can definitely see his point. There's a reason nerds are not considered experts in any capacity and any field despite their encyclopedic knowledge of often trivial bullshit. The stereotypical nerd is the very embodiment of "knows so much but understands so little".


>This guy has always hated film nerds of all stripes
I think there is a big difference between a true intellectual enjoyee of something and a "nerd" in Armonds sense. Its kinda like the difference between anons and redditors. You also don't have to be a total expert like Armond is to not be a gigantic faggot.


It seems like Nuzach favorite director is Nolan. That would explain a fucking lot.

I like Armond White, but I don't agree with all his takes. The fact is that experts are just as bad as faggots like redditors and nerds who pretend to know everything about everything.
Armond White obviously has a vision, culture and eloquence well above the typical "critic" we see today, be it professionals or ecelebs, one of the rare niggers with an IQ above double digits and capable of analyzing things with a slightly cooler head even tho he enjoys to be a bit pretentious and contrarian from time to time.
I appreciate how he simply doesn't give a shit and has earned the hatred of so many white cucks and kikes who would generally lick the ground he walks on.
I personally have rather extreme tastes, while I like music, books and movies on a higher and denser level I can also appreciate really shitty flicks and even see something of value in them, I'll never pretend to be some kind of nerdy faggy or expert, I'm just the guy enjoying things in my own way.


>I personally have rather extreme tastes, while I like music, books and movies on a higher and denser level I can also appreciate really shitty flicks and even see something of value in them, I'll never pretend to be some kind of nerdy faggy or expert, I'm just the guy enjoying things in my own way.

Me as well anon, and it should be that way, that is how you create a proper patrician taste in the first place, and the ability to see everything with an actual open mind is very important, combined with self-awareness of it all is really what allows you to have the cake and eat it as well.


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He makes the best memes. For plebs and patricians alike.


It's more by accident than talent, he's extremely autistic.


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Its funny because there is so much indian trash on netflix and people complain about random White Western directors meanwhile everything indiapigs touch turns to shit because indiapigs are shit. Then you have the mass trash of korean garbage made by dumb gook subhumans thats only promoted by literal gooks.


He used to make some pretty good flicks, but like most directors of his caliber he eventually decided to climb up his own asshole and start making pretentious historical dramas. I suppose that's all we're going to see from him from now on. Nothing but boring overlong historical dramas.


Dunkirk sucked
DENED was DEI memeshit
Oppenheimer was a weird movie about a moralizing commie Jew.


The best thing about Oppenheimer was the jews kvetching about the jewish supergenius being played by a goy.


Best part is he wasn't a genius but a thief, like Einstein he took credit for the works of goys. Another funny thing was that he was a hideous kike which is why Nolan casted his best good goy to play him.


Based soychadparty anti-indian poster.

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