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File: 1728218508583.jpeg (372.54 KB, 759x1349, 759:1349, Taylor_785-01.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


Given that America is about to elect its first ever non-white president are there any actor who, either on or off screen, have swayed your political opinions?


There's a guy named Raul, better known as Ramon, who proved to me that JQ is true. Persecuted in two very different countries for warning about jewish behavior.


>first ever non-white president
0bongo was that. Half kike, half nig.


Remember how they tried to pretend his mother was Irish?


File: 1728219921882.mp4 (2.12 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Taylor Swift dancing to Jb….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>first nonwhite president

>the last one was a whopping 8 years ago

You're dumber than the average here and that's saying something


Da joooooos


ugh, can someone fix her fucking posture? shes always hunched over with her big shoulders sticking out. It's so off-putting.


Not much you can do about that, he's a man pretending to be a woman.


Obongo's mom's side is mostly British Isles and Kraut. She's also apparently descended from some nig who lived in the 17th century.


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Yes, the jews.


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Man taylor swift really does not have rhythm for being a popstar look at tate mcrae in comparison. Has she never taken a dance class she reminds me of a average middle school girl dancing.


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>Man taylor swift really does not have rhythm for being a popstar look at tate mcrae in comparison.
They were trying so hard to push zoomer pop in the Billie Eilish direction of depressing mumbleshit and the next big thing is a Britney clone, can't make this shit up kek


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About to listen to some Taylor Swift for the first time.
Ill report back if i grow ovaries


Thousand cock stare


What is this gay nigger shit where they took the naked kids off the cover of Houses of the Holy?


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That was me.
I didn't want to get a visit from the sex police.


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Billie eillish was too much of a industry plant some zoomers like her but, billie is pure cringe every time she talks and she thinks she has the talent of sia, billie is basically just another average stinky cunt. Her song lunch was just pure dyke grooming garbage it looks like she is getting shelved anyway. Saw billie perform for the olympics closing she was lip syncing. Sabrina carpenter is just another ugly weird faced cunt that was retarded enough too sing about black dicks.

Ice spice looks down syndrome annie and started talking about farting and pooping. Its weird her ass isn't even that big but they kept talking like its massive.

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