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File: 1728243609224.jpg (67.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlus….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


What are other anons watching this spooky season? I'm trying to watch one horror/grimdark film per day. Post your queue.


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Vampire Hunter D is fucking kino.


What's better, the series or the movie?


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What do you mean? the new (((cartoon))) series is jank. if you want some decent animation or pseudo-animation from warhammer besides the movie I'd say watch the astartes animation and the last church.

Overall the series is worth looking into but its steadily becoming more raped by tranny filth.


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Let's sacrifice 12 goats in the woods for selene OP


What the fuck, ahh I gotta reset my cookies.


I meant which is better of Vampire Hunter D.


Both movies got good tracks, one is 80s, other is late-90s to early 2000s feel to it.


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Evil Dead 1 and Return of the Living Dead are probably my faves.
They take themselves seriously but understand how silly the situation would be IRL and the characters react accordingly.

They also ooze atmosphere despite being somewhat cartoonish at times.


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>What are other anons watching this spooky season?
Nothing on the theme, apart from ecelebs talking about horror movies. I had plans to read several horror books this month but my re-read of Lord of the Rings is taking up a lot more time than I thought.

I watched this today.


That shit really confused me, no wonder it was legal corporate bullshit.


I started reading The Crow graphic novel, I'm about to lose power for a couple of days so I'll probably finish most of it then.


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>In 2009, Legend Films co-produced a colorized 3D version of the film with PassmoreLab, a company that converts 2-D film into 3-D format.[159] The film was theatrically released on October 14, 2010.[160] According to Legend Films founder Barry Sandrew, Night of the Living Dead is the first entirely live action 2-D film to be converted to 3-D.

Why does this version not seem to exist anywhere?


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The trailer is on YouTube, not 3D, but you can see the colorization. Somebody said it got a Blu-ray release, but I can't find it.


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Tonight's feature:


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tonight's feature


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Best nostalgiaween intro anons?

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