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File: 1728279104324.png (9.9 MB, 3500x2280, 175:114, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


Why is James Dean treated like this legendary, amazing, iconic actor, on the level of someone like Bogart or Brando? He was pretty good and was in a few good movies, and then he died. That's it. And it's not like any of those movies were great artistic masterpieces. The best ones were 8/10 at best.


I watched Rebel Without a Cause in high school and was pretty underwhelmed. I thought James Dean would come across as cooler and more charismatic, but instead I thought he was more like a whiny brat.


If he didn't die a hyper-sensationalized death he'd have been a literal who by the time he was 35.


Just like Marilyn Monroe.


>whiny brat.
And he's a boomer icon. Go figure.


Exactly. Her life and career was nowhere near unique and the real reason the rags ever gave a shit about her before her death was because of how easy she was if you had enough money and/or drugs.


And martin luther king

I mean he was older but the point still stands, getting blown away was the best thing that ever happened to him, had he still be alive he'd be as fondly beloved as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson



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