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File: 1728443170681-0.png (270.06 KB, 300x449, 300:449, Lethal Weapon.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1728443170681-1.png (334.61 KB, 300x452, 75:113, Lethal Weapon 2.png) ImgOps iqdb


Are buddy cop films better when they're more serious, like Lethal Weapon, or more comedic, like Lethal Weapon 2?


Why would I want to be a pig? They're better when they're B movie schlock.


File: 1728450579257.png (178.39 KB, 259x384, 259:384, The_Nice_Guys_poster.png) ImgOps iqdb

Depends but I prefer Lethal Weapon 1 over 2. Also has there been a good buddy cop film since the nice guys? That was good, pretty comedic, and it was sorta funny whenever fat russel crowe would be this badass that won every fight mainly because I couldn't take it seriously.

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