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So the retarded face generation come from this show ?


Yeah scott pilgrim really did rape millenial and zoomer women.


Is it good ?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Throw in:
>Always Soy in Faggydelphia
>Bob's Burgerstein
>Simpsons (only the 90s era when liberal brainwashing was effective)
>That mediocre forgotten show that somehow was heckin progressive and ahead of its time, despite sucking monkeyballs and got shitcanned the same day it was premiered
And the current stage theatre play with flavor of the month fuckboys, remember tumblrized Thomas Jefferson? It came from a musical that was popularized by a minority of dykes.


The movie? Is okay, is funny enough if you are redpilled and is just watching this crap for pleasure.


File: 1728618302742-0.png (726.65 KB, 658x878, 329:439, Mary_Elizabeth_Winstead_20….png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1728618302742-1.jpg (257.63 KB, 1296x730, 648:365, GettyImages-1787178254-H-2….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

MEW hit the wall real bad


Why are you unironically posting some breadtuber pedo?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
For your daily dosage of ragebait and to remind everyone these are the same people who despise edginess but have the humor of a preschooler.


I honestly hate these guys. If I was a hacker I would have fucked them.

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