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What would a chart like this for movies look like?


About a third of the right wing games I wouldn't consider right-wing.

Armond Whites top tens would he peak cinema.


tranny suicide game created by a leftoid is "right wing" now? lol


So you want an image of random movies arbitrarily placed in political categories that you can use as troll bait?


Wrong board and shitty low resolution cuckchan meme.

Also, why Phoenix Wright and Animal Crossing are left-winger?


Yes. Don't pretend you don't.
Phoenix Wright is about helping folks who dindu nuffin fight the system and Animal Crossing is about being oppressed by a greedy capitalist.


Animal Crossing is about creating a libertarian paradise.


If nuDoom is leftist, is OG Doom rightist?


OG Doom attracts /pol/tards because "old = good" but it also attracts tranny modders so we can safely say it's cringe


>left wing

Why? It's about brutally killing the actual literal devil's minions, if you're going to give something that doesn't bring up anything political a political score that would seem at least a little right wing to me, you're killing the father of leftism's bois the whole time


Even from a non-christcuck context Doom is about an eternal champion fighting the evil forces of chaos.


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>but it also attracts tranny modders so we can safely say it's cringe
All this "cringe" shit is retarded. If attracting trannies is enough to make something bad, then Linux and open-source software as a whole should be rejected. If you reflexively reject something solely due to some undesirables liking it, then you're ultimately letting them determine your taste for you.
>an eternal champion
Why did NuDoom butcher the premise of Doom this badly? Doomguy is just supposed to be a stubborn marine who isn't going to be taken down by invading demons without a serious fight. He's a plucky blank slate for the player to project themselves onto, not some godlike savior figure destined to combat evil across the ages. Why do lorefags need everything explained to them instead of learning to at least be comfortable with ambiguity?


>All this "cringe" shit is retarded. If attracting trannies is enough to make something bad, then Linux and open-source software as a whole should be rejected. If you reflexively reject something solely due to some undesirables liking it, then you're ultimately letting them determine your taste for you.
I feel the same way about anime.


This is embarrassing levels of projection. Do you really need every game to be about your personal political crusades?


>Doomguy is just supposed to be a stubborn marine who isn't going to be taken down by invading demons without a serious fight
Really the whole premise is that it's an average guy against forces that are almost certainly going to kill him (many times), perfectly suited to a player taking on a video game. The space marine that actually survived four episodes and 32 other levels is just the one the player took control of.


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>another deep-diving Doom discussion that completely sidelines the superior Quake


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>Oops it's all Evangelion, Cowboy Bepop and any rainbow AIDS that resemblances tranniness


Quake is too slow.


>no heckin' politics in my heckin' video games
Fuck off, everything is political and it happens that Doom is based and redpilled, bit of an up for ID after wolfenburg.

Kinda nice to see /tv/ is back to being the thinking man's /b/.


But not really since there is plenty of anime that is pretty openly right wing like Berserk, and LOTGH. I would argue there is actually far more subtle subversive anime like Code Geass than openly rainbow tranny shit. Even Sailor Moon's lesbos are often disarmed by the now still common Japanese societal perception that being a homo is a fetish and not a heckin' valid identity. This isn't to say that the future isn't more gay, in our lifetime we will probably see anime become more disgustingly leftist than anything in the west. The nips excel in taking western decadence and turning it up to 11, maybe not as bad as the koreans but their bad.


Cardcaptor Sakura
>the manga in which an adult teacher has a relationship with his 10 year old student and it's portrayed as an innocent thing
>a setting in which a 16 year old student married her, at least, 25 year old teacher, and that is how Sakura was born
<a manga made by women for girls
Yes, very progressive indeed.


>But not really since there is plenty of anime that is pretty openly right wing like Berserk, and LOTGH.
rofl even more projection


>Why do lorefags need everything explained to them instead of learning to at least be comfortable with ambiguity?
Holy shit finally someone said it, thannks. Fucking tired with lorefags wanting to know everything and force their autism upon everyone else. One of the reasons I hate dark souls fags.


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DOOM Eternal lore was cringe at times but Urdak/Makyrs were a kino addition


Trannies and soyboys are much more prevalent with nuDoom. Back in the day, the Doom community used to be quite creative and based.


Yeah I'm sure a lot of normal people are playing a 30+ year old game that was already dated a few years after release, nothing autismal about that


You act like thats a bad thing.


And its bad, you stupid boomer. Go take your hrt already, the masons won.


Quake may be slower but it makes up for it in being deeper and more strategic.


That post is not a political crusade, my illiterate friend who types exactly like the coonseether but I'm sure you're totally a different person wink wink, it is a fact that doom is literally about killing satan's minions. That is the purpose of it. It would be absurd to call satanism "conservative".


Its literally fast as hell, some players might consider quake faster gameplay wise.


>Yeah I'm sure a lot of normal people are playing a 30+ year old game
Of course not. And that's why it was cool. Normalcattle are the soyim.


We need a Doom mod with Super Ramon, you are damn right, anon.


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I didn't find Quake very appealing when I gave it a try.
It just doesn't belong in a supposed Doom game.
Something being old doesn't mean it's worthless, retard. It's a timeless game. There's a reason it's had so much longevity.
>It would be absurd to call satanism "conservative".
Maybe not conservative, but Anton LaVey was a right winger who hung out with Boyd Rice. He would've hated the Bioleninists who have taken on the mantle of Satanism.


>I didn't find Quake very appealing when I gave it a try.
It really hits its stride by the 2nd episode.


>Sailor Moon's lesbos
I just started watching the original series. I'm a little more than halfway through the first season and I haven't noticed any dyke shit yet, it has been nothing but girls crushing on boys. I always thought the dyke shit was fan fiction.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Or the Lum anime in which she shackles her boyfriend in order not to nuke Japan for the third time over her tantrums or fucking Evangelion in which they use teenagers for meat shields or guinea pigs for government experiments, truly an USSR moment.

Forrest Gump unintentionally became a conservative propaganda flick that snuck away from the censorship of liberal elites. Take that as you will.


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I mentioned Sakura, because that was what the anon, I replied to, had in his video as an example of "liberal anime". If you really want an example of 90s """woke""" anime, you could pick something like Utena. I know (((Rebecca Sugar))) (creator of Steven Universe) and I am sure some tranies, falsely, identified themselves with Utena, so it clearly did something for them. The thing is, it might have been very liberal, in the 90s, but now it would probably be considered homophobic and "based". The show deals a lot in relationships, some of them straight, some of them gay, some of them incestuous, but almost all of them toxic. For instance, Juri a raging lesbian, kept getting abused by her lover, and it took a man who loved Juri to sacrifice himself(after having lots of sex with Juri's girlfriend, as well as with Juri), in order for Juri to have a stable relationship with her girlfriend, who had already had sex with at least two other men. As for the main character, she wants to become a "Prince", but not in the sense of becoming a man, but to take the values that a "Prince" represent: courage, the strength to protect one's friends, honor and so on. Never did she start identifying as a man, and was constantly lusting over men. Only in the movie did she really have a romantic relationship with Anthy, who also had plenty of relationships with men. As for why she wears male clothing, it's that she likes to jump- over fences, and doesn't want other men to see her panties. If anything she is a bit of a tomboy, if the tomboy had long hair and wore makeup.
If you haven't watched it, I really do recommend watching all the show, even in the episodes that are basically recap episodes, as they introduce plot critical information in those, for some dumb reason. Yeah, the black rose saga seems a bit filler, but it is important in the overall meta narrative of the show. I personally really like it, especially trying to figure out the meaning of all the metaphors of the show(one of them is the car that appears in the third arc, and it's a metaphor for sex, because the creator of the show lost his virginity in that specific car model), in a way it feels as if David Linch had decided to make a Magical Girl show. Of course it's not just the metaphors that make the show great, the music is great, the artstyle is fantastic, the characters are engaging, and the duels are fun.


I tried to get into it before but it just seemed like a pretentious art project to me. I need consistency and rules in my storytelling, I have no patience for genre commentaries.


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japanese women have weird thoughts about that stuff
one of the most infamous anime/manga was made by a woman
yes, that is THE pedobear in the image


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I wouldn't call it pretentious, rather that it tends to follow dream logic.
>I need consistency and rules in my storytelling
The episodes themselves are very rigid, with most of them having either having one of the duelists fighting Utena for the Rose Bride or establishing said duelist, if anything it's very formulaic at face value. Very few episodes are on the level of Nanami's egg, which to this day I am still not sure if it's a metaphor for a girl's first period or an unwanted pregnancy.

Japanese women have some interesting tastes, for instance Senran Kagura, a series where big breasted, high school ninja students constantly get stripped and have their boobs jiggle, has a fanbase composing of 30-40% women. Another examp0le would be, the Korean gacha, Nikke Goddess of War, a gacha all about tits and ass, in South Korea has a 30% female playerbase and in Japan it's 40%. For Senran, I heard it's because you can dress the girls in all sorts of outfits and put them in all sorts of poses for making pictures, plus they also enjoy some T&A. As for Nikke, I heard it's because, beneath the whole T&A, it's story is about a male protagonist who is special, because he sees women as humans and not as objects, and no, the Nikkes are not robots, they are cyborgs with female brains put in them, sometimes against their will. Apparently this is very progressive for South Korea.


Senran Kagura is hot


LaVey has been dead for 30 years and whatever the hell you want to call the movement he left behind, it is absolutely anything but "right wing". I don't really think the political views of a guy alive during world war 2 has much to do with the political orientation of literally every single one of his remaining followers anon


I just meant that it's not inherently left-wing. Like I said, it all got taken over a while ago. Today his supposed followers would reject huge chunks of what he taught as being "problematic."


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I wouldn't call K-on, madoka leftist. FMA 03 is indeed leftist but brotherhood and the manga is very right-wing in comparison.


Am I supposed to know what all those are from images for ants and without understanding moon runes?


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Okay, epic.


akiba maid war was actually good.


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Was animekino, one of the rare ones with such prominence of female characters which isn't complete shit.
From what I remember, women hated the anime, just to prove that it was in fact made purely for the enjoyment of men.


>women hated the anime, just to prove that it was in fact made purely for the enjoyment of men.
Yeah and the action scenes/brutal deaths were super funny, on top of that it had an enjoyable, albeit somewhat melancholy ending.


Maybe you could argue the second movie and some of the tv show episodes are anti-statist, but it seems more like they were only intended critique a particular approach to increased government power.
Reinhard is meant to echo Napoleon, who was a Jacobin.
>Mystery of Mamo
The part where Lupin says "Heil Hitler" was meant to be ironic.
>Digimon Tamers
No Japanese right wing media would portray the Chinese that positively.
>Dragon Ball & DBZ
I'd argue DBZ is more right wing than the OG Dragon Ball. The latter objectifies women a lot, but the former portrays them as completely powerless and totally dependent on men.
Absolutely. Anything Leiji Matsumoto made is very right wing, even by 70's Japan standards.
>Azumanga Daioh
Besides the constant torturing of the lesbian, there's nothing really right wing about it.


Too anti-statist to be left wing.
Shinji has the personality of the typical left wing male, but that's about it.
Way more right wing than Digimon Tamers
The one tranny in the show was forced to become a tranny against his will.
Mugi's fascination with yuri is just a joke about how out of touch she is with reality she is and the show forgets about it after season 1.
It's very anti-Western, so that would probably make it more right wing by Japanese standards. But's it's still trash.


>Reinhard is meant to echo Napoleon, who was a Jacobin.
He's literally a stand-in for Hitler, according to the author.


I always thought Reinhard was meant to be a fusion of Alexander the great and some famous chink general as well, he was meant to synthesis them alongside Hitler to make Super-Hitler, kinda like how Rudolf is supposed to be long-term successful Hitler, but still from a semi-negative, and I mean only semi-negative standpoint.

I've also heard theories that the goldenbaums are meant to represent Jewish-changelings usurping power, but I always thought that was an actual-schizo take, and the (((phezzani))) and the (((earth-cult))) are an effective commentary against Abrahamic religions/Jews.

LOTGH is a super-anti left-wing and democracy show. Yang is literally shot in the foot by it despite being a great general who exceeded Reinhard in many ways tactically, but he lacks Reinhard's merry band of generals/Kircheis who could who one could argue was the main general capable of beating Yang at his own game. It could be argued Reinhard's later attempt to wipe Phezzan off the map and to reestablish it as the capital of the galaxy is a mirror of Hadrian's attempt to completely wipe the kikes off the map or the Holy City Of Jerusalem during the crusades.


Let me add on and say that in the series we only see the negative views of Rudolf from the perspective of the alliance and many of their insults towards him are straw-men at best.
Rudolf had the same issue Henry the fifth had, he evidently had this issue hidden and killed his one concubine and retarded son, I actually think Rudolf understood that his one problem wasn't enough to deem him muh genetic defect, I think long term his plan was good and succeeded, but maybe he should have towed the line a bit more




>LOTGH is a super-anti left-wing and democracy show
If that was your takeaway from it then your understanding of politics is extremely shallow. LotGH is really just a rehash of Aristotle/Polybius's old anacyclosis theory of governments.


It shows the flaws of both republic/democracies and aristocracies/empires, but in the end the empire triumphs. A lot of the story focuses on the distinct fact that its actually more normal for people to be led in a traditional society than the modern ones we live in, and the yearning for something greater than themselves will always draw people into literally "tearing" down the supposed progress they made for themselves with one Caesar.

I am not a well read anon so I guess your right that its a shallow understanding, I've only recently finished a few works of Julius Evola's so I wouldn't call myself well-read, though I am able to very easily parse Evola's issues with modern societies and contrast them with traditional societies and how much better they were. .


>It's very anti-Western, so that would probably make it more right wing by Japanese standards. But's it's still trash.
Not even right-wing by Japanese standards, it promotes post-WWII japan ideology, not exactly something I would call right-wing.


digimon tamers is as far right as it gets


By the way, I'll also note that both the show and the author are very much trapped within the liberal thought confines of "republican democracy" (Yang has long monologues throughout the story on this subject). Unfortunately, "republican democracy" is an Orwellian inversion of the original meaning of "democracy" to describe its historic rival: electoral oligarchies. The author's inability to imagine other forms of government besides modern electoral oligarchies and dictatorships ultimately leads to them retreading Polybius's anacyclosis theory. Kind of ironic for a science fiction show that spends some time theorizing about large spans of speculative history, yet won't even consider the material effects of technological advancements on how people govern themselves.

>in the end the empire triumphs

You must have missed the ending where [spoilers]Rheinhard dies and they immediately bring back the "democratic" electoral system and rights of the Free Planets Alliance.[/spoilers]


Well, I tried. Now I can't delete the post. Fucking tired of the inconsistent markdown tags across different image boards.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Does anyone got a recap of tumblr cartoons plagiarizing anime? These dykes really despise japs but they definitely get wet to whatever gifsets based on kosher anime from their childhood.

>Rick & Morty can be now considered as anime
My fucking sides, also its pacing is a fucking mess.

That's odd, women tend to fantasize as being strong and independent in their own shit, something like Homer's Odyssey but without the misadventures.

Nobody archived that video of the actors calling out lefties?


Nah I didn't miss that part and I agree with you that the author can't see outside that modern paradigm, I always thought the idea was that was gonna become a constitutional monarchy and than a republic and the cycle would continue. Though if I am gonna be honest I really do think the author personally thought that a balanced monarchy was the solution to our problems, which I in the context of a liberal monarchy I completely disagree with.

In that sense it comes across as a very Japanese circle of autism, but its still a lot more well written and dare I say red-pilled than most literature/anime.


kek, it really is no big deal.


You can delete posts if you enable scripts.


Not if you used the back button on your browser after already deleting a previous post. Then your browser records the wrong password for the next post and you'll never be able to delete it.


I know steven jewniverse does nothing but rip of anime for its less than stellar fight scenes.

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