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File: 1728736190911-0.jpg (175.58 KB, 1241x874, 1241:874, pedflix.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1728736190911-1.jpg (20.84 KB, 264x376, 33:47, tsumasho.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>TsumaSho , AKA. If my wife becomes an elementary school student
>A widower begins to find hope again when a little girl appears, claiming to be the reincarnation of his wife who died a decade before
Started out as a manga but the anime recently began airing and there is already a live action series available. This is peak pedoime isn't it?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a nice "What If?" scenario for normies to watch that essentially puts them in the shoes of pedos, i.e., what if your soulmate turned into a child, would you still honor your vows and love her the way she is?


I still haven't watched My Wife is a High School Girl.


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>protagonist is drawn as a stereotypical pedophile
what did japan mean by this


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Possible outcomes:
>Man has sex with the elementary schooler wife
<it's pedome
>Man doesn't have sex with the elementary schooler wife
<it's cuckime
it's not looking good bros


There won't be any improper sex, this is too mainstream. Possible outcome I see is the girl isn't actually his wife and it's a ruse of some sort.


I'll be waiting for the show to complete and hoping it gets a dub. In the meantime, I'll check out the manga. Thanks, OP. It's an interesting premise.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's a big chungus tranime.


To be fair, the one on the left sounds lame.




>Didn't change the western example
Pretty sure you could find a better example if you look up for banned books such as Happy World where it describes all of South America, the same place where all mediocre tranimes made it big.


kek madoka still makes them seethe after all these years


Madoka is actually good, and not just because you wanna jack off to 2d middle school girls.

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