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I mean nobody is watching them they now have DEI requirements. It seems like the industry tends growl about them now. Even the gifts they get they taxed on. Its just odd to watch leftard narcissist collect awards in general.


>Whats the point of award shows?
There's your answer, it doesn't matter the profits.


Humiliation ritual, every winner got ass faced or fucked someone up the ass, as per usual


Hollywood hasn't been "left" since the Red Scare blacklists.


Marketing. If they pretend winning an Oscar is a big deal, they can use that as a selling point for Oscar winning movies.
Well, the original definition of a leftist is someone who was against King Louis XVI of France. To this day, I have never seen a Hollywood movie portray him in a positive light, so I think Hollywood can safely be called leftist.


Jewish jerk off


They can use my mouth instead of their own hands.


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Award is for cuck

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