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Joker 2 btfo


I remember of some anon hating the first and second flick, calling it "goreporn". I only watched the first one and i was just indifferent about the movie.
I'd rather we had low-budget comedies doing well instead of horror flicks.


File: 1729044906310.jpg (6.29 KB, 225x225, 1:1, sperg.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Honestly it seems like just another wannabe "heccen retro 80s slasher!"


I'd take a sandler or eddie murphy film over this any day
Based on the clips I've seen it's kind of a homage to/meta take on slasher movies like Scream was, but instead of poking fun at plot elements it's more so having fun with the practical effects. I've never seen either film in full though so my analysis could be wrong


>it's more so having fun with the practical effects
If true, even this isn't very original since even in the late 80s we had special effects guys directing movies to indulge in this way. And during the 2010s we also had this especially in sci-fi horror flicks.
I think the state of cinema today is so bad, including horror being so focused on demon shit and jumping scaring that even a shitty flick full of fake blood looks like a fine wine in comparison.



>the state of cinema today is so bad, including horror being so focused on demon shit and jumping scaring

I dunno it hasn't really been like that for a while. Just look at the horror movies that have released recently, we've reached the point where culture has snapped back the other way and is over correcting. its now "self aware" rehashes, emulations of 80s slashers and 70s exploitation by people who have second hand nostalgia, or "elevated horror" which is usually a vent piece about being and artist or hating their dad or whatever.

The jump scare horror you're talking about everyone complains about is basically a thing of the past.
the whole genre has basically become a scene for hobbyist filmmakers that rewards anything as long as it participates in fetishizing the past.
Lets not pretend this movie is anything special


>The jump scare horror you're talking about everyone complains about is basically a thing of the past.
I wouldn't be so sure, I watched M3GAN, which came out one and a half years ago, and it was filled with all sorts of predictable jump scares.


I have zero interest in watching goreporn. If that's what you're into, enjoy.


Are people really complaining about jump scares in horror movies now? Cuz iaingonlie i love me some jump scares. Remember scary maze game?


They always have been complaing about it.


Jump scaring is lazy and lame.


I thought they were both dumb. Slashers have never een all that interesting tbh. I'd rather be watching Ramonkino.

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