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>Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), a small-time boxer from working-class Philadelphia, is arbitrarily chosen to take on the reigning world heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), when the undefeated fighter's scheduled opponent is injured. While training with feisty former bantamweight contender Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith), Rocky tentatively begins a relationship with Adrian (Talia Shire), the wallflower sister of his meat-packer pal Paulie (Burt Young).

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Cryptozoological


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We won, medbvll bros.


Night of the Demon (1983)


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Tremors is a really amazing B movie.


Yeah, and a lot of anons seem to favor practical effects for this sort of movie.


I've been thinking about watching this again.


Let's watch some Trans500kino next week boys


What are some movies about really weird or obscure cryptids? Almost all of the I know of are either about Bigfoot (or some derivative) or lake monsters. Strangely, I don't think I've ever seen one specifically about the Loch Ness Monsters.


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There was waterhorse, i liked it when i was a kid


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I thought there might be one about mokele-mbembe, but I could be wrong.
That just made me think of this movie. I never watched it, but I saw the preview trailer a million times as a kid.

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