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File: 1729890100282-0.jpg (361.21 KB, 449x801, 449:801, MV5BZmQ1YzE5NWYtZGU2Ni00OT….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1729890100282-1.png (71.41 KB, 752x849, 752:849, WFC-2024-10-20.PNG) ImgOps iqdb


>Professor Nugent and his anthropology students attempt to find the mysterious Bigfoot, but end up uncovering something far more sinister at work.



it's finally time for madea halloween 2
there better be a movie night


Okay, it was kino. This is one of those movies that has aged like wine, it's stupid but in an interesting way, it's edgy without being gay edgy, it has some depth without drowning in arrogance. They tried to do something original from some silly Bigfoot story and for me the groovy in this movie is better than so many slashes.


Is this a clip from the film?


Has anyone else watched it?


Night of the hunter is a far superior movie, get some taste incels


I bet you're right, but schlocky horror has a charm all its own.


I just watched it today. It's bizarre how 70s movies have this quality of being super slow and bland in certain parts only to go to extremes and be spicy in others.


I think I'll look for a torrent of it. And the '50s movie of the same name.

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