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>Danny Boyle directing
>Not a single nigger
>Vintage radio recording
>28 days Later MC cameo
>Theaters Only
Yeah, I'm thinking kino

Don't watch the "sequel" though, they're making this a trilogy with niggers and faggots involved to give jobs to their faggot kids and friends with no talent.


28 days later had some kino scenes tbh


28 Days Later is bleached kino


>Danny Boyle directing
So it's trash then?


The first two films are flawed masterpieces, better than any zombie slop made by Americans. I still don't have much hope for this movie, if it's good great, but I'm not going to jump on the hype train.


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You survive the initial rampage and quickly run into these survivors,how would you raise them in the post apocalypse?


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Raise them to never trust niggers, kikes and to be virtuous decent women/men.


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A real zzzchan moment.


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Would be if you were a pedo freak, its kinda sad that there are anons here who wouldn't be responsible and properly care for Aryan children in the event of a terrible disaster not being a pedophile


I would care for them and teach them to survive, but you're lying if you wouldn't take one as your wife later.


Actually looks good.


The original poster was obviously implying pedo shit.


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>Lefty who committed suicide
You can still find his jewtube channel:
>Benjamin Ingram


>Benjamin Ingram
lol so happy hes dead.


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What's funnier is that his videos are ratio'd by anyone but redditors, better archive start archiving his shit before they find out.


How British will the film be compared to previous ones?


Not a single towelhead yet, so not much by the looks of things.

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