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Have the events of the last decade made it easier for you to believe one-dimensional villains whose only motive is to do evil?


I always thought the jews and their good goys worshipped a demonic entity. I don't believe or at least try not to believe in good/evil because its pure butthurt and slave morality but the jews force me to think about evil because nothing they do can be described as anything but that.


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It's not too hard to believe. Evil is running the show.


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It is much simpler than that. Jews and jew-adjacents have superiority complexes and thus whatever they do will always be "right" in their own eyes and whatever you do will always be "wrong", even if for simply existing. It's a form of their naturally ingrained tendency for kvetching taken to its ultimate extreme.

I don't like calling people like Bill Gates a good goy because that implies he is a mere stooge in the grand scheme of things, which couldn't be further from the truth. It is high time to admit that for better or worse some whites are just as detestable as the kikes, if not more. Calling him a jew-adjacent has a way more accurate nuance to it.


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You will always have the evil people typically the best indicator is homosexuality. As we can see most of the top evil are fags and even promote it.

>Roman fags taking over senate and the Catholic Church bringing invaders

>Ancient Greek fags taking over and bringing in invaders
>Chinese eunuchs taking over multiple dynasties starting numerous wars
>Russian fags taking over promoting communism
>USA and UK fags taking over promoting every evil


I pretty much agree with this take tbh, its very much in line with the biological racism of Hitler and Rosenburg. They are simply against us by virtue of their existence.


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>one-dimensional villains whose only motive is to do evil?
I never had a problem with believing in them. The modern trend of giving villains a valid reason to be evil is kinda boring and it has been done to death that whatever depth it gives the villains, it feels tacked on. Not to mention people nowadays are more sympathetic to villains and try to defend them because of it, it's rather lame.


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An the jewcy one:
Lots of faggotry that led into sterilization of the goyim and cishet while playing the victim, it was never about equality it was all about domination through emotional manipulation.


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He is a kike and frequents kikes.
Say no to kikes.


He's a Palestinian kike enabler.


midwit bell curve


The more i watched and thought about it the less i think of it as evil.
In fact at this point i am completely convinced that it is the normgroids who are total fault for this and the elites only react in the way the cattle bring them to.

I dont believe in evil any longer after the whole vaccine ordeal, the people took those poison injections to protect their own stake in this system of colletive self explotation.

They realized just how stupid and most of all arrogant people are in their beliefs who refuse to think for themselfs and are a constant nuisance for everyone around them.
The people are just as arrogant and selfish as the people pictured by op, the difference being the elites have the brains and the balls to do it, while the people are so arrogant they by default believe that they are holy cattle who need to be pampered by the everyone around them, especially their governments and they were tricked into mass suicide, for their leaders.

The people are such stupid little shits who always want but never work for it, people are the same as jews and niggers but in denial, its no wonder the elites figured out peoples true nature.

When you look at what and how they did it exactly, you will notice the elites and co never forced anyone into anything really, they only drew out the degenracy that is inherent in people and whos only true ambition is to engage in that degeneracy, no matter what.

People took those vaccines took them because they knowingly and willingly chose to accept tyranny and this was their way of showing their loyalty to a system that destroys everything it consumes and they hoped that by obeying they would be spare, it would be anything less than just if those people were not to die a slow gruesome death.
Just as the same with all the transfaggotry, people werent forced or coreced, they were told its fashionable and acceptable so they did it, people turn to stupid obnoxious faggots because they want to be and the elites who push it do so because they know what those people are like and that this the best way to get rid of those roaches.

The elites are arrogant and selfish and it is the people who worship and groom these traits, not to mention all the occasions given by the elites to stop all of it, people obeyed and complied, worshiped and addored all the actions and measures taken because this what they want the world to be like.


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>Report by self surveying fags
Wow reddit fags are more likely to have the dunning kruger effect.


>people werent forced or coreced

Workers were told, "Take this," or you lose your job and pension. College students, athletes, and the military were told, "Take this," or you lose everything you've worked toward up to this point. There's a reason why 80-90% of soyciety took the witch's brew, because it was either take it, or be a bum on the street.


It's certainly depressed me that out of billions of people alive in this world nobody has stood up to kill any one of them.


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They've got top-notch security. The most evil people in the world are some of the most protected.


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99% of "normgroids" could drop dead from the vaxx and you would still be an incel


Nothing wrong with being a robot


Is there a movie or tv show where the protagonist is a rich elite like these people?


>I don't like calling people like Bill Gates a good goy because that implies he is a mere stooge in the grand scheme of things, which couldn't be further from the truth.
anon does tend to give Jews too much credit for anti-Western schemes. I don't even think they're the origin of it all. The more I read up on it, the more it seems like they just hopped on board with things radical leftists in Europe were already doing in the 18th and 19th centuries. Almost everything afflicting the West today has antecedents in era of the French Revolution. Even the idea of controlling people with pornography was floated back then, but the technology needed to make it work didn't exist yet. And this was all before banking dynasties like the Rothschilds had any real power.


I think James Lawrence was largely correct about Jews being major players on that front nowadays but not really being the origins of it all historically. I got ripped on for bringing this up a while ago, but you could already see predecessors to 20th century racial leftism among certain people in the 19th century. Even Diogenes of Sinope had that silly quote about being a citizen of the world. Maybe that sentiment was just put in his mouth by Diogenes Laertius centuries later, but it shows that the idea was already around back in the 3rd century.

In one sense I definitely think James Lawrence was too soft on the Jews, and that's the spiritual damage their religious traditions have done to Europe and its diaspora. The spread of Christianity might have been the biggest blow they ever struck against the West. The myths of the Bible ended up supplanting European myths. It was encouraged for people to view alien land of the Levant as the "Holy Land" instead of their own homelands. The much healthier value systems of the pre-Christian world were replaced by a sick fanaticism and exaltation of the rejected and the downtrodden. Missionaries would encourage converts to identify with characters from Hebrew legends instead of their own ancestors. You could argue that maybe there wasn't enough of an emphasis on charity and love for your fellow man among pagans, but the values of the Sermon on the Mount are the sort of thing you'd spread among your enemies in order to pacify them. Even if you can get rid of a harmful religion, there are going to be lingering traits of it left over among the populace. You see it in the victim-worshiping mentality of formerly Christian liberals as well as the loxist attitudes and resentment toward Whites that even secular Jews tend to have.

With all the noticing going on and the Holocaust card losing its effectiveness, I wonder what the future of Jewish power is going to be. I'm kind of concerned about how many "noticers" seem to be nutty Candace Owens types who fail to understand the bagelian dialectic or still don't know the score on racial issues. I never would have thought that so many normalfags would flirt with the Jay Cue without first understanding race realism, but I guess a huge chunk of them are still stuck on tepid "anti-Zionism" instead of delving deeper into what's actually going on.


>The spread of Christianity might have been the biggest blow they ever struck against the West
Anon, the Jews did everything in their power to stop the spread of Christianity. Simon Bar Kokhba killed anyone who would not renounce Christ en masse during his revolt.


Yes the jews aren't fans of their own poison, neither were they fans of the way European values mutated christcuckery in a more European-compatible religion. That being said they take pride in te fact that christcucks and mudslimes worship their god, obsess over their legends. Jews were also given a free pass to practice their religion unlike Pagan Europeans.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It was largely one camp of Jews fighting another camp of Jews, like the kind of infighting you get among Catholic and Protestant Christians or Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims. Jewish anti-Christianity has traditionally been driven by Jews seeing Christianity as still being too pagan.

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