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File: 1611109603955.jpg (21.16 KB, 278x358, 139:179, Bob_at_Easel.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Lately I've been in a bit of a slump with the holidays and general laziness going on to get back into my work. I can imagine this isn't anything new to anyone else on here but what get's you back on the literal/preverbal drawing board? Any ideas and/or recommendations?


For me, it's watching films I haven't seen before. They often make you see things in a different light and find interesting aesthetics in things you didn't stop to take a look into before.


I've had the same when I used to read the LOTR series as a kid. I used to draw specific evens and make little comics of some of the pages I read. It was cool to visualize the imagery on paper.

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